

Undergrad Achievement

Award Recipient(s) Organization
Orbital/Simba Technologies Award
Amy Kwok Orbital/Simba Technologies
Rick Sample Memorial Internship
Edward Lui, Samantha Leung UBC Department of Computer Science
Semantic Robot Vision Challenge
Ankur Gupta, Catherine Gamroth, David Meger, Kenji Okuma, Marius Muja, Matthew Baumann, Pooja Viswanathan, Pooyan Fazli, Scott Helmer, Tomas Hoffman, Tristram Southey ISVC
USENIX Security Grand Challenge
Sunjeet Singh USENIX Security Conference


Award Recipient(s) Organization
2008 CS Department Teaching Award
Donald Acton, Holger H. Hoos, Nando de Freitas, Patrice Belleville, Paul Carter, Rook Bridson UBC Department of Computer Science
CS Graduate TA Award
Bradley Atcheson, Dave Tompkins, Henry Ng, Hosna Jabbari, Jeffrey Hendy, Matt Baumann, Roman Holenstein , Tristram Southey UBC Department of Computer Science
CS Undergraduate TA Award
Ciaran Llachlan Leavitt , Henry Chow, Lewis Zhou, Ryan Giuliany, Shawn Callegari, Stewart Yu, Su Yuan, Vania Chan, Yvonne Chen UBC Department of Computer Science
Graduate TA Teaching Award
Dutch Meyer UBC VP Academic
Killam Teaching Prize
Ed Knorr UBC VP Academic Office


Award Recipient(s) Organization
CHCCS Achievement Award
Kellogg Booth Canadian Human Computer Communications Society
Alain Fournier Thesis Award
Abhijeet Ghosh Vancouver Foundation Alain Fournier Memorial Fund
Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship (Sponsored by Google)
Pooja Viswanathan, Viann Chan Google
BCNet Broadband Innovation Challenge
Brendan Cully BCNet
Canadian AI Graduate Student Symposium Best Paper Award
Mark Crowley Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Charles McDowell Award
Karon MacLean UBC VP Research
Dolby Computer Science Research Chair
Wolfgang Heidrich Dolby Laboratories, Inc.
Faculty of Science Achievement Award for Service
Bob Woodham UBC Faculty of Science
Human Frontier Science
Dinesh Pai Human Frontier Science Program
IBM Faculty Award
Alan Hu IBM
IEEE Haptics Symposium Best Paper Award
Karon MacLean, Mario Enriquez IEEE Haptics Symposium
Killam Research Fellowship
Nando de Freitas Office of the Vice President, Research, UBC
Michael Smith Foundation
Sohrab Shah Michael Smith Foundation
Michael Smith Foundation Award
Chris Thachuk Michael Smith Foundation
Microsoft Research Fellowship
Zvonimir Rakamaric Microsoft
Most Cited Paper in Engineering 2004-2008
David Lowe TopCited
Precarn 20th Anniversary Commercialization Success Award
Jim Little, Point Grey Research Precarn
University of Washington College of Engineering Diamond Award
Gail Murphy University of Washington
USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation
Brendan Cully, Dutch Meyer, Geoffrey Lefebvre NSDI 2008
USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation
Andrew Warfield, Mike Feeley, Norm Hutchinson NSDI 2008


Award Recipient(s) Organization
CS Student Service Award for Volunteering
Arash Malek , Eugene Chan UBC Department of Computer Science
CS Student Service Award for Volunteering
Pooja Viswanathan UBC Department of Computer Science
CS Student Service Award for Volunteering
Baharak Rastegari UBC Department of Computer Science
Faculty of Science Achievement Award for Service
Michele Ng UBC Faculty of Science

Undergrad Achievement

Award Recipient(s) Organization
ACM ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional Competition
Jason Chang, Kenneth Lui, Reilly Wood ACM
ACM ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional Competition
Byron Knoll, Martin Lau ACM
ACM ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional Competition
Christopher Head, Robert Tseng, Simon Aloysius Suyadi ACM
ACM World Finals
Anton Likhtarov ACM
CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Award
Christina Pop, Jackie Cheung, Kevin Lai CRA
CS Academic Awards of Excellence
Jackie Cheung, Kevin Lai, Lan Wei, Matthew Dunham, Michael Chuang, Zhiwei Qin UBC Department of Computer Science
Governor General's Silver Medal in Science
Jackie Cheung Governor General of Canada
Markus Meister Memorial Prize
Jackie Cheung UBC Department of Computer Science
Martin Frauendorf Memorial Prize
James Lo UBC Department of Computer Science
Rick Sample Summer Internship
Alexander Bradley, Christopher Head, Robert English, Russell MacKenzie UBC Department of Computer Science


Award Recipient(s) Organization
2007 CS Department Teaching Award
Alla Sheffer, Anne Condon, Eric Wohlstadter, Kimberly Voll, Kurt Eiselt, Meghan Allen UBC Department of Computer Science
CS Dept. Teaching Award
George Tsiknis, Gregor Kiczales, Joseph Luk, Mike Feeley, Steve Wolfman UBC Department of Computer Science
CS Graduate TA Award
Abhishek Gupta, Allan Rempel , Andrew Adam , Cheryl Lau , Garth Showmaker , Kaitlin Ducky Sherwood , Le Leif Chang , Matthew Hoffman , Michael Huggett UBC Department of Computer Science
CS Undergraduate TA Award
Billy Ta , Ciaran Llachlan Leavitt , Iulian Radu, Stewart Yu UBC Department of Computer Science
Killam Teaching Prize
Steve Wolfman UBC VP Academic Office


Award Recipient(s) Organization
ACM SIGACCESS Best Student Paper Award
Joanna McGrenere, Karyn Moffatt SIGACCESS
BCNet Broadband Innovation Challenge
Michael Woods BCNet
Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Suling Yang Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence Best Student Paper Award
Alan Mackworth, Suling Yang Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Research Awards
Tracy Lau CRA
CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Research Awards
Ana Pop CRA
Denice Denton Emerging Leader Award
Rachel Pottinger Anita Borg Institute
ICCV 2007: Marr Prize
Abhijeet Ghosh, Matthew O'Toole, Shruthi Achutha, Steve Wolfman ICCV 2007
International Conference Intelligent User Interfaces
Andrea Bunt, Cristina Conati, Joanna McGrenere ACM IUI Conference
International SAT Competition 2007
Frank Hutter, Holger H. Hoos, Kevin Leyton-Brown, Lin Xu SAT Competition
IUI Best Paper Award
Andrea Bunt, Cristina Conati, Joanna McGrenere IUI Conference Homepage
Peter Wall Distinguished Scholar in Residence
Alan Mackworth Peter Wall Scholars in Residence
Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies: Major Thematic Grant
Dinesh Pai Peter Wall Institute
Ranked 3rd in ACM Student Research Competition
Erica Huang ACM
Semantic Robot Vision Challenge
David Lowe , Jim Little, Matthew Baumann, Per-Erik Forssen, kevin726 AAAI Mobile Robot Competition
SIGGRAPH Student Research Competition
Abhijeet Ghosh, Eric Brochu SIGGRAPH
SMT Competition
Domagoj Babic SMT
TACAS Best Student Paper Award
Zvonimir Rakamaric TACAS
UBC Graduate TA Teaching Award
Michael Huggett UBC VP Academic Office
UBC Killam Faculty Research Fellowship
Karon MacLean Office of the Vice President Research


Award Recipient(s) Organization
CSSS Award of Excellence for service to students
Amanpreet Sonia Purewal, Derrek Wood , James Lo UBC Department of Computer Science
Faculty of Science Achievement Award
Viann Chan UBC Faculty of Science

Undergrad Achievement

Award Recipient(s) Organization
ACM ICPC Regional - Pacific Northwest Division
Andrew Thomson, Cedric Lin, Sandy Robertson ACM
ACM ICPC Regional - Pacific Northwest Division
Chris Head, Robert Tseng, Simon Suyadi ACM
ACM ICPC Regional - Pacific Northwest Division
Anton Likhtarov ACM
ACM ICPC Regional - Pacific Northwest Division
Kaitlin Sherwood, Patrick Nguyen ACM
BCNet Broadband Innovation Challenge
Afton Lewis, Kyle Porter, Patrick Colp BCNet
CS Academic Award of Excellence - (COGS)
Alexander Merritt UBC Department of Computer Science
CS Academic Award of Excellence - (Combined Major)
Kevin Grant UBC Department of Computer Science
CS Academic Award of Excellence - (Honours program)
Igor Ostrovsky UBC Department of Computer Science
CS Academic Award of Excellence - (Major degree)
Eng-Liang Ch'ng UBC Department of Computer Science
CS Academic Award of Excellence - BCS(ICS)
William Christopher Weston UBC Department of Computer Science
CS Academic Award of Excellence - Combined Honours
Tracy Lau UBC Department of Computer Science
Markus Meister Memorial Prize
Eng-Liang Ch'ng UBC Department of Computer Science
Mobile 2020 Contest
Michael DiBernardo Mobile Life Centre, Stockholm University
Orbital Technologies Award
Samatha Leung Orbital Technologies
Ranked 14th in ACM ICPC World Finals
Anton Likhtarov, Igor Ostrovsky, Matthew Chan, Yuri Kholondyrev ACM
Rick Sample Memorial Internship
Andrew Cherry, Jackie Cheung , Kevin Lai, Nathan Hapke UBC Department of Computer Science
Science Co-op Student of the Year Award
Matthew O'Toole UBC Department of Computer Science


Award Recipient(s) Organization
First Place - ACM Student Research Competition (Undergraduate)
Yuan-Ting Erica Huang Grace Hopper 2006
Eurographics 2006
Christophe Schlick, Tamy Boubekeur, (INRIA), Wolfgang Heidrich, Xavier Granier Eurographics 2006 - Conference Webpage
Faculty of Science Achievement Award (for Service)
Kellogg Booth UBC Faculty of Science
2006 NSERC Steacie Fellowship
Gail Murphy NSERC - Science and Engineering Achievers Honoured
2006 Research Trainee Award
Sohrab Shah Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research
ACM International Conference on Software Engineering
Gail Murphy, John Anvik, Lyndon Hiew ICSE 2006
APRU "Extra Chapter Challenge"
Mik Kersten Association of Pacific Rim Universities - APRU
APRU Business Plan Prize Competition (UBC) 2006
Mik Kersten APRU
BC.NET Coolest Applications Contest Winners 2006
Anthony Yu, PhD, Camilo Rostoker, Msc, Xin Liu, PhD BC.NET
Canada Research Chair - Tier 1
Dinesh Pai Canada Research Chair
Canadian AI-2006 Best Paper Award
Dave Tompkins, Holger H. Hoos Canadian AI-2006
Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision
Alex Shyr, Jim Little, Matt Griffin, Pantelis Elinas, Robert Sim,Ph.D Post-Doc Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision
CHI Best Paper Award
Joseph Luk, Jérôme Pasquero, McGill, Karon MacLean, Shannon Little, Vincent Hayward, McGill CHI2006