Event at computer science

Upcoming Events

Check back often, as we're always adding events, conferences, competitions and more.

This is only the public version of upcoming events and announcements for CS undergrads. Log into our My CS intranet for more event listings like info-sessions, workshops, and socials, and to create a customized calendar feed of events you'd like to attend.

Tech Talks


10th Simon Cox Student Design Competition - $10,000 in prizes

Presented by the Technology for Independent Living Program

The Technology for Independent Living Program (housed at Technology for Living) is excited to present the 10th Simon Cox Student Design Competition! This multidisciplinary and collaborative


Women in CS Tech Crawl with SAP & Amazon

You’re invited to a Tech Crawl hosted by SAP and Amazon. This event is open to all first and second year women and non-binary identifying students to meet CS alumni and industry professionals and to learn about the Vancouver tech industry

The event