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Tech Talks


DLS Talk by Stefan Saroiu (Microsoft Research)

Speaker:  Stefan Saroiu, Senior Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research

Title/Abstract/Bio:  TBA

Host:  Aastha Mehta, UBC Computer Science


DLS Talk by Radhika Nagpal (Princeton University)

Speaker:  Dr. Radhika Nagpal, Professor of Robotics, Princeton University

Title:  Taming the Swarm


In nature, thousands of individuals can cooperate to achieve complex goals from local interactions -- from cells that form complex


DLS Talk by Kathi Fisler (Brown University)

(Revised date)

Speaker:  Dr. Kathi Fisler, CS Professor, Brown University

Title/Abstract/Bio: TBA

Host:  Ron Garcia, UBC Computer Science


MSc Thesis Presentation - Dylan Brown

Name: Dylan Brown

Time: 4-5 PM

Date: July 30th

Location: ICCS 202.

Supervisor: Will Evans

Title: Computing the Attention Center of a Simple Polygon Event Link:


We introduce a new definition of center for a simple polygon P called the


MSc thesis presentation - Zhuoting Xie

Name:  Zhuoting Xie

Date:   Jul 30 2024

Time:   2-3pm

Location:   ICCS 238

Supervisor(s):  Kwang Moo Yi, Sébastien Fabbro

Title: Generative Spectra Modelling for Galaxy Redshift Estimation


Knowledge of galaxy distance is important


PhD Defence - Victor Sanches Portella

Name: Victor Sanches Portella
Date: July 30
Time: 10 am
Location: ICCS X836
Supervisor: Nick Harvey

Title: Privacy, Experts, and Martingales: An Investigation on the use of Analytical Tools
Abstract: In this thesis, we describe new results on three