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Upcoming Events

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Tech Talks


DLS Talk by Edward Lee (Berkeley)

Speaker:  Dr. Edward A. Lee, Professor, University of California at Berkeley

Title:  Deterministic Concurrency for Cyber-Physical Systems

Abstract/Bio:  TBA

Host:  Arpan Gujarati, UBC Computer Science


DLS Talk by Stefan Saroiu (Microsoft Research)

Speaker:  Stefan Saroiu, Senior Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research

Title:  Six Years of Rowhammer: Breakthroughs and Future Directions


This talk will present the work done over the past six years as part of Project STEMA at


DLS Talk by Radhika Nagpal (Princeton)

Speaker:  Dr. Radhika Nagpal, Professor of Robotics, Princeton University

Title:  Taming the Swarm


In nature, thousands of individuals can cooperate to achieve complex goals from local interactions -- from cells that form complex


Hacktoberfest workshop


Graduate School Panel


CSSS resume review session