Courses - Winter Term 2

Term 2 of Winter Session 2024/25 starts on Monday, January 6, 2025 and ends on Tuesday, April 8, 2025

UBC policy for Courses with Variable Credits 
Some courses are listed with a choice of credit value such as topics courses. The form (3-12) implies that the course may be taken for any number of credits from 3 to 12 inclusive. 

In all cases, the maximum credit value is that which may be obtained by a student during the complete program of study (i.e. students cannot obtain more than 12 credits for topic courses with the same course number). For detailed information, please visit the UBC Calendar.

UBC has switched to a new student system called Workday for the 2024/25 academic year starting September. Follow online tutorials for how to use Workday.

Term 2 (January - April)

CPSC_V 508201Operating SystemsMW9:30am-11:00amReto Achermann
CPSC_V 531F201Expanders, Markov chains, and Applied Hodge Theory Instructional (Appl. Lin. Alg.)MWF2:00 pm-3:00 pmJoel Friedman
CPSC_V 532V201    Topics in Artificial Intelligence: Commonsense Reasoning in Natural Language Processing (NLP COMMONSENSE)Tu/Th 10:30 am - 12:00 pmVered Shwartz 
CPSC_V 536W201 Topics in Algorithms and Complexity - QUANTUM COMPMW9:30 am-11:00 amDaochen Wang
CPSC_V 538P 201Computer Security Seminar(CMP SECURITY)Tu/Th9:00 am-10:30 amThomas Pasquier

CPSC_V 538S 


201Accountable Computer Systems(ACCOUNTABLE SYS)  (Cancelled)M2:00 pm-5:00 pmThomas Pasquier




CPSC_V 550

201Advanced Machine Learning (Cross-listed with CPSC 440.201)MW3:30 pm- 5:00 pm



Danica Sutherland

T2ADiscussion. Cross-listed with CPSC 440.T2AW5:00 pm-6:00 pm
T2BDiscussion. Cross-listed with CPSC 440.T2BTu3:30 pm- 4:30 pm
T2CDiscussion. Cross-listed with CPSC 440.T2CW3:30 pm- 4:30 pm
CPSC_V 554Y201 Advanced Design Methods(ADV_DSGN_MTHD)Tu/Th2:00 pm- 3:30 pmDongwook Yoon

Thesis Section


Directed Studies

Directed Study (CPSC 548) is a course that allows students to study a topic that is typically not part of the regular curriculum under the direction of a faculty member.  The student and faculty member should submit the Directed Studies Course Application and a proposal for the course outlining the course content to the Graduate Program Administrator ( prior to the start of the course. Once the course is approved, the graduate program administrator will register for you.

Course content appropriate for the student's thesis work (CPSC 549A, CPSC 549B) or essay (CPSC 589) is not appropriate for Directed Study.

549A201MSc Thesis6
549B202MSc Thesis12
589201MSc Major Essay Breadth Master3
649201PhD Thesis0
9:00-9:30 CPSC 538P CPSC 538P 
9:30-10:00CPSC 508/536WCPSC 538PCPSC 508/536WCPSC 538P 
10:00-10:30CPSC 508/536WCPSC 538PCPSC 508/536WCPSC 538P 
10:30-11:00CPSC 508/536WCPSC 532V CPSC 508/536WCPSC 532V  
11:00-11:30CPSC 536RCPSC 532VCPSC 536RCPSC 532V 
11:30-12:00CPSC 536RCPSC 532VCPSC 536RCPSC 532V 
12:00-12:30CPSC 536R CPSC 536R  
12:30-1:00 Grad Seminar  Dept Meeting 
1:00-1:30 Grad Seminar  Dept Meeting 
1:30-2:00 Grad Seminar  Dept Meeting 
2:00-2:30CPSC 531F /538SCPSC 554YCPSC 531FCPSC 554YCPSC 531F
2:30-3:00CPSC 531F / 538SCPSC 554YCPSC 531FCPSC 554YCPSC 531F
3:00-3:30CPSC 538SCPSC 554Y CPSC 554Y 
3:30-4:00CPSC 550 / 538SCPSC 550.T2BCPSC 550.201/T2C  
4:00-4:30CPSC 550 / 538SCPSC 550.T2BCPSC 550.201/T2C  
4:30-5:00CPSC 550 /538S CPSC 550.201  
5:00-5:30  CPSC 550.T2A  
5:30-6:00  CPSC 550.T2A  
Last Updated