Master's Essay

The MSc essay is a comprehensive critical survey of the literature in some area of computer science; it may identify feasible and significant open problems, but it is not expected to contribute to their solution.

Program Requirements under This Option

The student must:

  1. Complete all of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies requirements for the MSc degree.
  2. Complete the breadth component of the PhD Comprehensive Course Requirement.
  3. Complete a 3 credits MSc essay (CPSC 589).  The essay has to be approved by the supervisor(s).  It does not require an external reader.
  4. Complete the Comprehensive Course Requirementconsisting 27 credits of course work outside the essay, of which
    • at least 21 credits must be computer science courses OR the student must obtain approval for the program from their supervisor or advisor; and
    • a maximum of 6 credits at the undergraduate level in courses numbered 300 to 499 may be counted toward the requirements of a MSc degree.
  5. There is no need to submit the essay to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. The essay must be approved by a committee of at least two (the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies highly recommends three) faculty including the supervisor(s).  An external reader  (i.e., someone outside of the supervisory committee who was not involved with the student’s thesis) is not required. Once the essay is approved by the supervisory committee, the supervisor should send a message to the Graduate Program Administrator stating that the essay has been approved and the percentage grade for the essay.
  6. Thesis/Essay Presentation: The student is required to present the thesis at a departmental seminar. This is not necessary if material related to the thesis has  been presented at conference or other public research meeting (workshop, symposium etc.). If the thesis is presented at a department seminar, the student must send the information (date, time, location, supervisor's name, title of the thesis, and abstract) to at least 7 days in advance, so that  an announcement can be sent to the department. 

Forms:  Supervisory Form and Comprehensive Course Requirement


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