Dr. Jiarui Ding, UBC computer science assistant professor and interdisciplinary researcher, is co-first author of a paper published in Nature Immunology , with…
How can people access the warmth and nuance of physical touch, remotely through tech? This work began as part of a research internship with Facebook Reality…
In honour of International Day of Women & Girls in Science on Saturday, February 11, we sat down with UBC Computer Scientist, Dr. Rachel Pottinger, to discuss…
Third year UBC computer science student Alexa Gogoescu has never been one to shy away from trying new things. It’s exactly why she added philosophy classes to…
Two computer science professors, Drs. Karon MacLean and Tamara Munzner have recently been elevated to IEEE Fellows. This prestigious distinction is reserved for…
Three members of the Systopia research group in the UBC Computer Science department were all recipients of Best Paper Awards at conferences that showcase…
UBC Professor Kevin Leyton-Brown , PhD students Hedayat Zarkoob and Greg d’Eon and former Research Assistant Lena Podina , had their paper accepted for the AAAI…
It’s not often a third year undergrad student has a research paper accepted at a major conference. When it happened for Leah Jo earlier this year, she and her…
This is part 7 of a series featuring some of the UBC CS department’s accepted papers for NeurIPS 2022 (conference runs Nov. 29 – Dec. 9). Assistant Professor…
Part 6 in a series about some of the department’s accepted papers at NeurIPS 2022 (conference being held Nov. 28 - Dec. 9) Raymond Ng , a professor with UBC…