Speak to Associate Professor of Teaching Elisa Baniassad for even a few minutes, and you'll get a sneak peak of the infectious energy she brings to her teaching…
Like or agree with an opinion you read online? Great. You engage with that content and boom: you get MORE of that. But will you then also receive an equal…
You did it, Class of ‘23! Through all the projects, exams, trials and tribulations, success, failures, tears and laughter, you kept studying and you kept…
Winning the CSCan Best Dissertation Award was like the culmination of a long journey for UBC Computer Science alum Yasha Pushak. Yasha Pushak graduated last…
Professor Margo Seltzer won a 2023 UBC Killam Teaching Prize, adding to her numerous awards and prizes received since she began teaching. The Killam Teaching…
A recent UBC news article put the spotlight on those who are defying the restrictions of age and time as they get ready to graduate. One such student, Floria Gu…
UBC Computer Science Associate Professor Dr. Ivan Beschastnikh and his team of researchers have made an exciting breakthrough in the field of distributed…
Dr. Alex Summers, an associate professor at the University of British Columbia, along with his co-authors grad student Thibault Dardinier and Dr. Peter Müller…
Imagine completing a full-time medical residency in psychiatry while also earning your computer science masters degree part-time over four years? That’s exactly…
The UBC Computer Science department has an impressive showing of accepted papers and projects at the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems…