Michele Ng, UBC CS's Special Projects Coordinator, has won the UBC President's Service Award for Excellence, for her incredible and tireless work with industry…
Vincent Levesque, Karon MacLean and Louise Oram designed and creatively evaluated new interaction techniques in order to reveal the new ways that the novel…
Computer Science PhD student Mahdi Tayarani Najaran, together with Computer Science undergraduate students Eason Hu and Ben Sheftel, won second place and a $10…
Co-founders Mik Kersten and UBC Computer Science Professor Gail Murphy provide task-focused interface technology for the computer programming industry. Tasktop…
The Alfred Scow award is granted to an undergraduate program or department that has contributed to student development in honour of his commitment to UBC and…
Our much-awaited website is now live! Thanks to the Communications Committee and all of our tech and admin staff for the hard work in putting together the move…
Held on January 29 and February 5, the 2011 Girlsmarts workshops for Grade 6 girls were a phenomenal success. Coordinators Sarah Rastkar and James Lo led a team…
The last two days have been very exciting for professors Kevin Leyton-Brown and Nando de Freitas. Worio, under the lead of LCI graduate Mike Klaas (CTO) and UBC…
UBC Computer Science alumni James Banting has been featured in Youthink magazine for his work as a video game designer with EA, working on their NHL-series…
The department is currently recruiting volunteers to help with our TechTrek Saturday workshops which will happen on Jan 15, Feb 26 and Apr 2, 2011. If you are…