11 papers from the UBC Computer Science Department were accepted for this year's conference on Neural Information Processing Systems. Once again, the department…
12 professors from the Computer Science Department at the University of British Columbia (and their co-authors) have had 11 papers in total accepted for the…
Computer Science Professor Raymond Ng and Associate Professor Mark Schmidt are the recipients of the prestigious UBC Killam Research Prizes. Up to 10 prizes are…
Data, data, data. We use it for just about everything. Today’s world is often interpreted and improved upon by recording and analyzing data. For example…
School photos, sports pics and family portraits are a huge deal. They capture a moment in time. A milestone, an accomplishment, even a feeling. Considering the…
Emerging Technologies: BC's AI Showcase , will explore emerging and disruptive technologies in AI, featuring UBC professors, industry experts, and a student…
What if you were told by your Doctor after a chest X-Ray that you have COVID-19, but later you learned it was a false alarm? Even worse: if you were given the…
Canada Research Chair in Large-Scale Machine Learning and UBC Associate Professor Mark Schmidt helps us decode 'machine learning': https://languagesciences.ubc…
Congratulations to Ph.D student Julie Nutini for receiving the 2 018 Canadian Computer Science Distinguished Dissertation Award, awarded by CS-Can/Info-Can. The…