Emerging Technologies: BC's AI Showcase , will explore emerging and disruptive technologies in AI, featuring UBC professors, industry experts, and a student…
“Artificial Intelligence, deep learning and machine learning — whatever you’re doing, if you don’t understand it — learn it. Otherwise, you’re going to be a…
UBC Computer Science Professor Kevin Leyton-Brown is named a 2018 ACM Distinguished Member for his 'outstanding scientific contributions to computing'. The 49…
UBC Computer Science Professor Kevin Leyton-Brown, together with Ph.D students Neil Newman and Alexandre Frechette, were members of a 19-person team that won…
UBC Computer Science Associate Professor Kevin Leyton-Brown is the recipient of a 2013 Canadian Association of Computer Science (CASC/AIC) Outstanding Young…
UBC computer scientist Kevin Leyton-Brown is one of six Canadian researchers awarded an EWR Steacie Memorial Fellowship today, valued at more than $250,000. The…
This free online course, Game Theory, offered jointly with Stanford, had 130,000 registrants and was UBC's first Massively Open Online Course. See CBC video…
A free online course on game theory offered by UBC Computer Science professor Kevin Leyton-Brown and Stanford University professors Matthew Jackson and Yoav…