Definite Clause Translation Grammars & the Logical Specification of Data Types as Unambiguous Context Free Grammars

Harvey Abramson
Publishing date
August 1984

Data types may be considered as unambiguous context free grammars. The elements of such a data type are the derivation trees of sentences generated by the grammars. Furthermore, the generators and recognizers of non-terminals specified by such grammars provide the composition and decomposition operators which can be used to define functions or predicates over such data types. We present a modification of our Definite Clause Translation Grammars (Abramson 1984) which is used to logically specify data types as unambiguous context free grammars. For example, here is a grammatical specification of binary trees: leaf :tree ::=string. branch :tree ::=" (" , left :tree, " ," , right :tree," )".

The decomposition "operators", left, right, and (implicitly) string, are semantic attributes generated by the compiler which translates these grammar rules to Prolog clauses; these operators, together with the parser for $tree$s, and the predicates $leaf$ and $branch$, can be used to construct more complex predicates over the data type $tree$. We show how such grammars can be used to impose a typing system on logic programs; and indicate how such grammars can be used to implement Kaviar, a functional programming language based on data types as context tree grammars.