DLS Schedule for Elisabeth André

Speaker Affiliation
University of Augsburg
Associated Faculty
Scheduling Contact
Thursday, February 8, 2024 -                                                
Time Location                                         
09:30Elisabeth travels to UBC                            Address: 2366 Main Mall & Agronomy Road (ICCS Building)
10:00Holly KwanICCS 216
10:30Raymond NgICCS 303
11:00BreakICCS 351
11:30Mark GreenstreetICCS 323
12:00Vered ShwartzICCS 111

Lunch with Grads / Postdocs:  Harshinee Sriram (Co-Host), Rohit Murali (Co-Host), Elisabeth, Vee Behal, Preeti Vyas, Laura Cang, Mehar Bhatia, Zhe Liu and Clair Ross


ICCS 238 - Preeti will take Elisabeth to next meeting space for online meeting with Karon
1:30Karon MacLean 

This meeting is now online

Holly will take Elisabeth to Robert's office 

2:00Robert XiaoX639
2:30Margo Seltzer (Co-Head) ICCS 313
3:10Walk to KAIS seminar room with Margo 
3:15Prep for TalkKAIS 2020/2030
3:30Talk - Intro by Host (Cristina Conati)                                             KAIS 2020/2030
5:00 Leave for dinner                                          
7:30    Dinner with faculty:  Cristina Conati (Host), Elisabeth, Karon MacLean & Joanna McGrenere (Co-Head)                                                                                               Blue Water Café (1095 Hamilton St; 604-688-8078). Reservation for 4 people under Holly Kwan         
Friday, February 9, 2024 -                                
Time  Location                                                  
10:30     Elisabeth travels to UBC                             
11:00     Giuseppe CareniniICCS 105
11:30   HCI Demos (Part I) - Host: Karon MacLeanX521
12:00HCI Lunch - Hosts: Rubia Guerra & Haley Foladare                                                            X521
12:30HCI Demos (Part II) - Host: Karon MacLeanX521
2:00Free time