
UBC Computer Science Undergaduate Wongelawit Teka Zewde Featured in AWiB article

Wongelawit Teka Zewde is currently in her last year at the UBC studying Mathematical Science (Computer Science, Math and Statistics combined). Having the opportunity to study at UBC on a full scholarship and completing her co-op at SAP as a software developer has allowed her to explore her interest in technology and entrepreneurship. She was introduced to the industry in first year when she took CPSC 100 (Computational Thinking) by Prof. Rachel Pottinger who inspired and motivated her to take more computer science courses.

She founded The Entoto Project to give women a more accessible opportunity to pursue career in tech, particularly in Ethiopia, where women are extremely underrepresented in technology and entrepreneurship. The Entoto Fellowship Program is a 12-week introduction to software development & entrepreneurship program for women in Ethiopia. The project is run by a diverse group of young women in partnership with Addis Ababa Institute of Technology and Ministry of Innovation and Technology, Ethiopia. Knowing the financial burden that prevents women from attending the program, participants will be fully sponsored. The team has successfully secured the accommodation, venue and food for participants in cash & kind, and currently running a campaign to obtain laptops suitable for programming. To support the program, please visit https://entotoproject.org/donation.  The Entoto Project is also part of entrepreneur@UBC social venture. 

For UBC Computer Science students who are interested in traveling and volunteering opportunities, please reach to the team @ entotoproject@gmail.com .

Visit https://www.entotoproject.org/ for more information.