ICICS/Computer Science Reading Room : New Books
The following books are now available at the Reading Room. Search the Reading Room catalogue to find many more:
21 lessons for the 21st century / Yuval Noah Harari.
CB 428 H3684 2018
A student's guide to Bayesian statistics / Ben Lambert.
QA 279.5 L36 2018
Automating inequality : how high-tech tools profile, police, and punish the poor / Virginia Eubanks.
HC 79 P6 E89 2018
Dare to lead : brave work, tough conversations, whole hearts / Brené Brown.
HD 57.7 B764 2018
Geometric regional novel / Gert Jonke ; translated with an afterword by Johannes W. Vazulik.
PT 2670 O55 G413 1994
Get a grip : How to Get Everything You Want from Your Entrepreneurial Business / Gino Wickman, Mike Paton.
HB 615 W537 2012
Hench : a novel / Natalie Zina Walschots.
PR 9199.4 W3444 H46 2020
Mathematics for machine learning / Marc Peter Deisenroth, A. Aldo Faisal, Cheng Soon Ong.
Q 325.5 D45 2020
Platform capitalism / Nick Srnicek.
HC 79 I55 S685 2017
Statistical rethinking : a Bayesian course with examples in R and Stan. 2nd ed. / Richard McElreath.
QA 279.5 M3975 2020
Team topologies : organizing business and technology teams for fast flow / Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais.
HD 30.2 S585 2019
The founder's dilemmas : anticipating and avoiding the pitfalls that can sink a startup / Noam Wasserman.
HD 62.5 W375 2012
The four steps to the epiphany : successful strategies for products that win. 5th ed. / Steven Blank.
HB 615 B6225 2020
A world without work : technology, automation, and how we should respond / Daniel Susskind.
T 14.5 S868 2020
BPF performance tools : Linux system and application observability / Brendan Gregg.
QA 76.774 L46 G74 2020
C Programming : a modern approach. 2nd ed. / K.N. King
QA 76.73 C15 K49 2008
Compilers : principles, techniques, & tools. 2nd ed. / Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman.
QA 76.76 C65 A37 2007 c.2
Computer networks : a systems approach. 5th ed. / Larry L. Peterson and Bruce S. Davie.
TK 5105.5 P479 2012
Computer networks and internets / Douglas E. Comer.
TK 5105.5 C5897 2009
Crossing the chasm : marketing and selling disruptive products to mainstream customers / Geoffrey A. Moore.
HF 5439 H54 M66 2014
Dark territory : the secret history of cyber war / Fred Kaplan.
HV 6773.15 C97 K37 2016
Dawn of the code war : America's battle against Russia, China, and the rising global cyber threat / John P. Carlin with Garrett M. Graff.
U 167.5 C92 C37 2018
Digital image processing. 4th ed. / Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods.
TA 1632 G66 2018
Foundations of deep reinforcement learning : theory and practice in Python / Laura Harding Graesser, Wah Loon Keng.
Q 325.6 G73 2020
Fundamentals of biomechanics. 2nd ed. / Duane Knudson.
QP 303 K588 2007
How to speak machine : computational thinking for the rest of us / John Maeda.
QA 76.9 L63 M34 2019
Intro to Python for the computer and data sciences / by Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel.
QA 76.73 P98 D45 2020
Multiagent systems : algorithmic, game-theoretic, and logical foundations / Yoav Shoham, Kevin Leyton-Brown.
QA 76.76 I58 S75 2008 c.2
Reader, come home : the reading brain in a digital world / Maryanne Wolf ; illustrated by Catherine Stoodley.
BF 456 R2 W65 2018
Righting software : a method for system and project design / Juval Löwy.
QA 76.758 L777 2019
Rocket surgery made easy : the do-it-yourself guide to finding and fixing usability problems / Steve Krug.
TK 5105.888 K785 2010
The product manager interview : 167 actual questions and answers / Lewis C. Lin, with Teng Lu.
HF 5415.15 L444 2019
Uncanny valley : a memoir / Anna Wiener.
HC 107 C2 H5335 2020
We have root : even more advice from Schneier on security / Bruce Schneier.
QA 76.9 A25 S36 2019
Bad Blood / Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup / John Carreyrou
Audiobook narrated by: Will Damron
Because internet : understanding the new rules of language / Gretchen McCulloch
P 120 I6 M28 2019
Cult of the dead cow : how the original hacking supergroup might just save the world / Joseph Menn
HV 6773 M45 2019
Going postal : a novel of Discworld / Terry Pratchett
PR 6066 R34 G65 2004
Guide to Competitive Programming : Learning and Improving Algorithms Through Contests / by Antti Laaksonen
QA 76.6 L225 2017
Homo Deus : A Brief History of Tomorrow / Yuval Noah Harari
Audiobook narrated by: Derek Perkins
Likewar : the weaponization of social media / P.W. Singer and Emerson T. Brooking
HM 742 S5745 2018
Modern robotics : mechanics, planning, and control / Kevin M. Lynch, Frank C. Park
TJ 211 L96 2017
Monsters & modules / Gene Luen Yang & Mike Holmes
PN 6727 Y36 S435 2018
Payoff : the hidden logic that shapes our motivations / Dan Ariely
HF 5549.5 M63 A74 2016
Practical augmented reality : a guide to the technologies, applications, and human factors for AR and VR / Steve Aukstakalnis
QA 76.9 A94 A95 2017
The goal : a business graphic novel / Eliyahu M. Goldratt
PR 9510.9 G64 G6 2018
The library book / by Susan Orlean
Z 733 L8742 O75 2018
The Master Algorithm : How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World / Pedro Domingos
Audiobook narrated by: Mel Foster
The player of games / Iain M. Banks
PR 6052 A58 P54 1989
Trillion-dollar coach : the leadership playbook from Silicon Valley's Bill Campbell / Eric Schmidt, Jonathan Rosenberg and Alan Eagle
HF 5549.5 C53 S35 2019
A fire upon the deep / Vernor Vinge
PS 3572 I534 F57 1993
Accelerate : the science behind DevOps : building and scaling high performing technology organizations / Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humble and Gene Kim
QA 76.76 D47 F69 2018
Bayesian statistics the fun way : understanding statistics and probability with Star Wars, LEGO, and Rubber Ducks / Will Kurt
QA 279.5 K87 2019
Don't make me think, revisited : a common sense approach to Web usability. 3rd ed. / Steve Krug
TK 5105.888 K78 2014
Factfulness : ten reasons we're wrong about the world - and why things are better than you think / Hans Rosling
BF 441 R673 2018
Refactoring : improving the design of existing code. 2nd ed. / Martin Fowler
QA 76.758 F682 2019
The Code : Silicon Valley and the remaking of America / Margaret O'Mara
HC 107 C22 S3397 2019
The man who sold the moon and Orphans of the sky / Robert A. Heinlein
PS 3515 E288 M37 2013
The model thinker : what you need to know to make data work for you / Scott E. Page
QA 76.9 I52 P34 2018
The three-body problem / Cixin Liu
PL 2947 C59 S3613 2016
After on : a novel of Silicon Valley / Rob Reid
PS 3618 E5474 A69 2017
Artificial intelligence : foundations of computational agents. 2nd ed. / David L. Poole, Alan K. Mackworth
Q 342 P66 2017 c.2 (COURSE RESERVE CPSC 322)
Designing the user interface : strategies for effective human-computer interaction. 6th ed. / Shneiderman, Plaisant, Cohen, Jacobs, Elmqvist
QA 76.9 H85 S54 2017
Drive : the surprising truth about what motivates us / Daniel H. Pink
BF 503 P475 2011
Emergence : the connected lives of ants, brains, cities and software / Steven Johnson
Q 325 J65 2001
Introduction to applied linear algebra : vectors, matrices, and least squares / Stephen Boyd, Lieven Vandenberghe
QA 184.2 B69 2018
Introduction to deep learning / Eugene Charniak
Q 325.7 C43 2018
Learning Web Design : a beginner's guide to HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Web Graphics. 5th ed. / Jennifer Niederst Robbins
TK 5105.888 N543 2018
Life in code : a personal history of technology / Ellen Ullman
QA 76.2 U43 A3 2017
Modeling of dynamic systems with engineering applications / Clarence W. de Silva
T 57.62 D426 2018
Rise of the machines : a cybernetic history / Thomas Rid
T 14.5 R535 2016
Technically wrong : sexist apps, biased algorithms, and other threats of toxic tech / Sara Wachter-Boettcher
TA 169.5 W33 2017
The 7 habits of highly effective people : powerful lessons in personal change. 25th anniversary ed. / Stephen R. Covey
BF 637 S8 C68 2013
The emperor's new mind : concerning computers, minds and the laws of physics / Roger Penrose
Q 335 P415 2016
The number devil : a mathematical adventure / Hans Magnus Enzensberger
PZ 7 E72455 N85 1998
A sampler of useful computational tools for applied geometry, computer graphics, and image processing / Daniel Cohen-Or, editor ; Chen Greif, Tao Ju, Niloy J. Mitra, Ariel Shamir, Olga Sorkine-Hornung, Hao (Richard) Zhang
TA 330 S26 2015
Algorithmic aspects of machine learning / Ankur Moitra
Q 325.5 M65 2018
Angular development with TypeScript. 2nd ed. / Yakov Fain, Anton Moiseev
QA 76.76 A54 F35 2019
Broad band : the untold story of the women who made the Internet / Claire L. Evans
QA 76.2 A2 E93 2018
Deep medicine : how artificial intelligence can make healthcare human again / Eric Topol
R 858 T67 2019
Designing games : a guide to engineering experiences / Tynan Sylvester
QA 76.76 C672 S949 2013
From Gutenberg to Google : the history of our future / Tom Wheeler
HE 151 W43 2019
Game theory : an introduction / Steven Tadelis
HB 144 T33 2013
Hooked : how to build habit-forming products / Nir Eyal with Ryan Hoover
HF 5415.15 E93 2014
Info we trust : how to inspire the world with data / written and illustrated by RJ Andrews
QA 76.9 I52 A54 2019
INSPIRED : how to create tech products customers love. 2nd ed. / Marty Cagan
HF 5415.15 C34 2018
Mismatch : how inclusion shapes design / Kat Holmes
NK 1520 H64 2018
Potions & parameters / Gene Luen Yang & Mike Holmes
PN 6727 Y36 S434 2018
Radical candor : be a kick-ass boss without losing your humanity / Kim Scott
HD 38.2 S41 2017
Robot ethics 2.0 : from autonomous cars to artifical intelligence / edited by Patrick Lin, Ryan Jenkins, and Keith Abney
TJ 211.49 R62 2017
Robots & repeats / Gene Luen Yang and Mike Holmes
PN 6727 Y36 S433 2017
Secrets & sequences / Gene Luen Yang, Mike Holmes
PN 6727 Y36 S432 2017
Soonish : ten emerging technologies that'll improve and/or ruin everything / Kelly and Zach Weinersmith
T 174 W543 2017
The Big Nine : how the tech titans and their thinking machines could warp humanity / Amy Webb
Q 334.7 W43 2019
The black box society : the secret algorithms that control money and information / Frank Pasquale
HN 49 P6 P375 2015
The friendship code / by Stacia Deutsch
PZ 7 D495 Fr 2017
The sentient machine : the coming age of artificial intelligence / Amir Husain
Q 335 H815 2017
The woman who smashed codes : a true story of love, spies, and the unlikely heroine who outwitted America's enemies / Jason Fagone
D 639 C75 F34 2018
Warcross / Marie Lu
PZ 7 L9676 War 2017
A dictionary of computer science. 7th ed. / editors for this edition, Andrew Butterfield, Gerard Ekembe Ngondi.
QA 76.15 D526 2016 (REFERENCE SECTION)
A dictionary of electronics and electric engineering. 5th ed. / [edited by] Andrew J. Butterfield, John Szymanski.
Artful design : technology in search of the sublime / written and designed by Ge Wang
NK 1520 W36 2018
Black hat Python : Python programming for hackers and pentesters / by Justin Seitz
QA 76.9 A25 S456 2015
Foolproof, and other mathematical meditations / Brian Hayes
QA 93 H3586 2017
How Smart Machines Think / Sean Gerrish ; foreward by Kevin Scott
QA 76.87 G49 2018
Invent your own computer games with Python. 4th ed. / by Al Sweigart
QA 76.76 C672 S785 2017
Matchmakers : the new economics of multisided platforms / David S. Evans and Richard Schmalensee
HD 9999 M782 E93 2016
Perceptrons : an introduction to computational geometry / Marvin L. Minsky and Seymour A. Papert
Q 327 M55 2017
Plato and the nerd : the creative partnership of between humans and technology / Edward Ashford Lee
T 14 L4254 2017
Programmed inequality : how Britain discarded women technologists and lost its edge in computing / Marie Hicks
HD 6135 H53 2017
Programming for the puzzled : learn to program while solving puzzles / Srini Devadas
QA 76.6 D485 2017
The art of deception : controlling the human element of security / Kevin D. Mitnick and William L. Simon
QA 76.9 A25 M585 2002
The computer book : from the abacus to artificial intelligence, 250 milestones in the history of computer science / Simson L. Garfinkel and Rachel H. Grunspan
QA 76.17 G37 2018
The new ABCs of research : achieving breakthrough collaborations / Ben Shneiderman
Q 180.55 G77 S56 2016
Wireless communications. 2nd ed. / Andreas F. Molisch
TK 5103.2 M65 2011
Zucked : the education of an unlikely activist / Roger McNamee
HM 743 F33 M347 2019
Creating games : mechanics, content, and technology / Morgan McGuire, Odest Chadwicke Jenkins
QA 76.76 C672 M34 2009
How the internet happened : from Netscape to the iPhone / Brian McCullough
TK 5105.875 I57 M3815 2018
Learn Python 3 the hard way : a very simple introduction to the terrifyingly beautiful world of computers and code / Zed A. Shaw
QA 76.73 P98 S533 2017 c.2
Meltdown : why our systems fail and what we can do about it / Chris Clearfield and Andras Tilcsik
D 24 C45 2018
Skin in the game : hidden asymmetries in daily life / Nassim Nicholas Taleb
HM 1101 T35 2018
Swipe to unlock : a primer on technology and business strategy / Neel Mehta, Parth Detroja, Aditya Agashe
QA 76 M44 2018
Uberland : how algorithms are rewriting the rules of work / Alex Rosenblat
HE 5620 R53 R67 2018
We are the nerds : the birth and tumultuous life of Reddit, the internet’s culture laboratory / Christine Lagorio-Chafkin
HM 743 R447 L34 2018
3D user interfaces : theory and practice. 2nd ed. / Joseph J. LaViola Jr., Ernst Kruijff, Ryan P. McMahan, Doug A. Bowman, Ivan Poupyrev
QA 76.9 U83 L385 2017
Brain rules : 12 principles for surviving and thriving at work, home, and school / John Medina
BF 444 M386 2014
Our mathematical universe : my quest for the ultimate nature of reality / Max Tegmark
QB 891 T44 2015
Project to product : how to survive and thrive in the age of digital disruption with the flow framework / Mik Kersten
QA 76.9 C66 K468 2018
Sketching user experiences : the workbook / Saul Greenberg, Sheelagh Carpendale, Nicolai Marquardt, Bill Buxton
TS 171 S59 2012
Twenty lectures on algorithmic game theory / Tim Roughgarden
QA 269 R68 2016
A mind at play : how Claude Shannon invented the information age / by Jimmy Soni and Rob Goodman
QA 29 S423 S66 2017
A philosophy of software design / John Ousterhout
QA 76.76 D47 O988 2018
Algorithms illuminated : Part 1, the basics / Tim Roughgarden
QA 76.9 A43 R68 2017
Getting clojure : build your functional skills one idea at a time / Russ Olsen
QA 76.73 C565 O47 2018
Head first networking / Al Anderson, Ryan Benedetti
TK 5105.5 A53 2009
Hello World : being human in the age of algorithms / Hannah Fry
T 14.5 F788 2018
How to write an amazing IT resume : get the interview every time / Baron Fendler
HF 5383 F46 2017
Life after Google : the fall of big data and the rise of the blockchain economy / George Gilder
HC 107 C23 H5345 2018
Outlier analysis. 2nd ed. / Charu C. Aggarwal
QA 276 A34 2017
Practical programming : an introduction to computer science using Python 3.6. 3rd ed. / Paul Gries, Jennifer Campbell, Jason Montojo
QA 76.73 P98 P73 2017
Practical Tableau : 100 tips, tutorials, and strategies from a Tableau zen master / Ryan Sleeper
QA 76.9 I52 S544 2018
Reinforcement learning : an introduction.2nd ed. / Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto
Q 325.6 S88 2018
Resume writing for IT professionals / Allan Green
QA 76.25 G74 2015
Revealing the invisible : how our hidden behaviors are becoming the most valuable commodity of the 21st century / Thomas Koulopoulos with George Achillias
Q 335 K68 2018
Sensor systems : fundamentals and applications / Clarence W. de Silva
TK 7871.67 D425 2017
TensorFlow 1.x deep learning cookbook : over 90 unique recipes to solve artificial-intelligence driven problems with Python / Antonio Gulli, Amita Kapoor
Q 325.5 G85 2017
The friendly orange glow : the untold story of the rise of cyberculture / Brian Dear
QA 76.8 P53 D43 2017
The internet trap : how the digital economy builds monopolies and undermines democracy / Matthew Hindman
HC 79 I55 H56 2018
Valley of genius : the uncensored history of Silicon Valley, as told by the hackers, founders, and freaks who made it boom / Adam Fisher
HD 9696.2 U63 C3542 2018
A history of video games in 64 objects / World Video Game Hall of Fame
GV 1469.3 H57 2018
Artificial unintelligence : how computers misunderstand the world / Meredith Broussard
QA 76.9 C66 B787 2018
Bitcoin and cryptocurrency technologies : a comprehensive introduction / Arvind Narayanan, Joseph Bonneau, Edward Felten, Andrew Miller, and Steven Goldfeder
HG 1710 N35 2016
Data science on the Google Cloud Platform : implementing end-to-end real-time data pipelines : from ingest to machine learning / Valliappa Lakshmanan
QA 76.54 L35 2018
Deep learning with Python / François Chollet
QA 76.73 P98 C465 2018
Deep learning with R / François Chollet ; with J.J. Allaire
QA 276.45 R3 C46 2018
Digital resilience : is your company ready for the next cyber threat? / by Ray A. Rothrock
TK 5105.59 R685 2018
Homotopy type theory : univalent foundations of mathematics / Univalent Foundations Program, Institute for Advanced Study
QA 612.7 U55 2013
How to design programs : an introduction to programming and computing. 2nd ed. / Matthias Felleisen, Robert Bruce Findler, Matthew Flatt, and Shriram Krishnamurthi
QA 76.6 H697 2017 (COURSE RESERVE CPSC 110)
Machine learning refined : foundations, algorithms, and applications / Jeremy Watt, Reza Borhani, Aggelos Katsaggelos
Q 325.5 W38 2016
Real-time analytics : techniques to analyze and visualize streaming data / Byron Ellis
QA 76.54 E45 2014
Successful business plan secrets & strategies : America's best-selling business plan guide! 6th ed. / Rhonda Abrams
HD 62.5 A344 2014
The algebraic mind : integrating connectionism and cognitive science / Gary F. Marcus
BF 316.6 M35 2003
The book of why : the new science of cause and effect / Judea Pearl and Dana Mackenzie
Q 175.32 C38 P43 2018
Understanding Cryptography: A Textbook for Students and Practitioners / Christof Paar, Jan Pelzl
QA 76.9 A25 P33 2014
Verified Functional Programming in Agda / Aaron Stump
QA 76.62 S788 2016
Virtual unreality : the new era of digital deception / Charles Seife
ZA 4235 S45 2015
Web scraping with Python : collecting more data from the modern web. 2nd ed. / Ryan Mitchell
QA 76.73 P98 M58 2018
Zero : the biography of a dangerous idea / Charles Seife
QA 141 S45 2000