What to expect

Program's Key Features and Responsibilities

In tri-mentoring, with a mentor’s help you work towards specific careers-related goals, meet new friends, gain different career perspectives, and become part of the larger Vancouver tech community. Here’s how the program structure supports you in doing this.

Speed-mentoring at the kickoff event. This is a structured exercise where groups of mentors rotate through small groups of students at timed intervals, and respond to student questions about their respective careers. You'll learn about a variety of CS-related careers within a short period of time.

Set and submit two career-related learning objectives. This helps you focus, take initiative, and have something specific to work towards with your student or industry mentor. Possible topics for learning objectives include: identifying your strengths and how these might fit within the IT industry; starting or enhancing a personal technical project; improving your technical interview skills; investigating clubs or extracurricular activities to join; writing an effective resume or LinkedIn profile; or learning effective networking and communication skills. 

Meet individually at least twice between the kickoff event and the first week of April with your industry or student mentor. At these meetings you can receive help in goal-setting, get your mentor’s insights and opinions, share your progress and seek ways to be of benefit to your mentor as well.

Refer to Tri-mentoring resources for more specific information

Matching Process

A mentoring trio consists of an industry or faculty mentor, senior student and junior student.

We considered multiple factors when matching up trios, including CS interest areas, program and year of study, CS courses completed, previous tri-mentoring experience, relative ages of mentor, senior and junior student, and career interest areas. We also reviewed the kickoff attendees group as a whole, to ensure that every participant is matched with others who share at least something in common. Due to the larger number of 3rd and 4th year student applicants relative to 2nd year students, we may need to change a limited number of 3rd years from junior to senior status.

Student and Mentor Program Support

If you have additional question about the tri-mentoring program, or experience any difficulties in getting hold of your industry or student mentors or mentees, please contact Michele Ng (mng@cs.ubc.ca). We will be happy to help!

Over time, we’ve found that great things happen in tri-mentoring when students actively engage with others who share similarities. Be prepared to enjoy yourself, to learn a lot and to have unexpected opportunities and insights come from being involved in the program.

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