Talk by Limin Jia - Run-Time Enforcement of Information-Flow Properties on Android


SPEAKER: Limin Jia, Carnegie-Mellon University

HOST: Ronald Garcia

TITLE: Run-Time Enforcement of Information-Flow Properties on Android

I will talk about improving Android's permission system to prevent
confused-deputy attacks and information leakage.  Our system permits
Android applications to be concisely annotated with information-flow
policies by either the programmers or security analysts. We develop a
detailed model of our enforcement system using a process calculus, and
use the model to prove noninterference.  Our system and model have a
number of useful or novel features, including support for Android's
single- and multiple-instance components, floating labels,
declassification and endorsement capabilities, and support for legacy
applications.  We have developed a fully functional
prototype on Android 4.0.4.  We have tested our prototype on a Nexus S
phone, verifying that it can enforce practically useful policies that
can be implemented with minimal modification to off-the-shelf

Limin Jia is an Assistant Research Professor in ECE and INI. She
received her B.E. in Computer Science and Engineering from the
University of Science and Technology of China and her Ph.D. in
Computer Science from Princeton University.  Her research interests
include language-based security, programming languages, logic, and
program verification. Dr. Jia's research focuses on formal aspects of
security. She is particularly interested in applying language-based
security techniques as well as formal logic to model and verify
security properties of software systems.