women in CS

Minutes from her computer science lab, Leigh-Anne Mathieson takes a research break at UBC's treetop walkway
“Big complex problems don’t scare me anymore, they’re exciting,” tells computer scientist Leigh-Anne Mathieson. For the past three years Leigh-Anne has been conducting bio-computing research at the University of British Columbia. Her research scope explores the computational difficulty of problems that model the folding of ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules.


CAN-CWiC CAN-CWiC is the premiere Canadian computing conference for Women in Technology. This annual event features networking, learning, sharing and mentoring. CAN-CWiC embodies the mission of encouraging curiosity and awareness for the digital

Diversity Resources

Women in Computing New Formulas for America's Workforce: Girls in Science and Engineering Several projects were funded by the National Science Foundation to encourage women to participate in science and engineering. This report details projects