CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award Finalists
The Software Practices Lab (SPL) rocked this year's CRA award competition. Two students from the lab, Alison Clark and Caroline Lemieux, are finalists for the 2016 CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher award.
Alison works with Ron Garcia on programming languages. Her research focuses on the development of type systems that support gradual typing, which combines dynamic and static typing in a single language. She co-authored a paper to appear at POPL 2016 that develops formal underpinnings for gradual typing. She is in the final year of the BCS program.
Caroline’s work with Ivan Beschastnikh focuses on improving software systems through specification mining. Her research is centred around the Texada tool (presented at the ASE 2015 conference), which mines arbitrary Linear Temporal Logic specifications out of textual logs (e.g., console logs, syscall traces, method call sequences). She is continuing to work on Texada as well as Quarry, a tool to mine temporal relationships between data invariants.