Plane illustration

UBC Presence at SIGGRAPH 2014

Computer Graphics researchers from the UBC Department of Computer Science will present seven papers at SIGGRAPH 2014 this year. SIGGRAPH is the premier conference in the field of Computer Graphics, and will be held in Vancouver Aug 10-14. Vancouver is the only city outside the United States to host this large conference (in 2011, it was the largest conference ever held in Vancouver).

More information on the papers below:

Temporal Frequency Probing for 5D Analysis of Global Light Transport
Matthew O'Toole (University of Toronto), Felix Heide, Lei Xiao (University of British Columbia), Matthias B. Hullin (Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat Bonn), Wolfgang Heidrich (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology), Kiriakos N. Kutulakos (University of Toronto)

True2Form: 3D Curve Networks from 2D Sketches via Selective Regularization
Baoxuan Xu, William Chang, Alla Sheffer (University of British Columbia), Adrien Bousseau (INRIA), James McCrae, Karan Singh (University of Toronto)

Vector Graphics Complexes
Boris Dalstein (University of British Columbia), Remi Ronfard (Inria), Michiel van de Panne (The University of British Columbia)

Detailed Water on Coarse Grids: Combining Surface Meshes and Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin
Essex Edwards, Robert Bridson (University of British Columbia)

Active Volumetric Musculoskeletal Systems
Ye Fan, Joshua Litven, Dinesh K. Pai (University of British Columbia)

Cascaded Displays: Spatiotemporal Superresolution using Offset Pixel Layers
Felix Heide (NVIDIA Research and UBC), Douglas Lanman, Dikpal Reddy, Jan Kautz, Kari Pulli, David Luebke (NVIDIA Research)

From Capture to Simulation - Connecting Forward and Inverse Problems in Fluids
James Gregson (University of British Columbia), Ivo Ihrke (INRIA Bordeaux), Nils Thuerey (TU Munich), Wolfgang Heidrich (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology)