
Get Involved

You can always find ways to get involved in the department of Computer Science: volunteer, enter a programming competition, join a mentoring group, attend lectures and events, career info-sessions, department mixers and diversity-related events. CS

Emergency Procedures

UBC General Procedures Bomb Threats Earthquake Building Emergency Response Plan Area of Assembly for ICICS/CS ICICS/CS Floor Wardens ICICS/CS Floor plans with Extinguishers First Aid Call Emergency Number: 9-1-1 For Faculty and Staff, call the First

President's Service Award for Excellence

Michele Ng, UBC CS's Special Projects Coordinator, has won the UBC President's Service Award for Excellence, for her incredible and tireless work with industry…

Girlsmarts Workshops a Phenomenal Success

Held on January 29 and February 5, the 2011 Girlsmarts workshops for Grade 6 girls were a phenomenal success. Coordinators Sarah Rastkar and James Lo led a team…