AI Panel

The future of AI: UBC and industry experts share opinions on what's to come

Cognitive scientist, best-selling author, and entrepreneur Gary Marcus spoke about the future of Artificial Intelligence at an industry gathering late January in downtown Vancouver. He is the founder and CEO of Robust.AI, a robotics start-up that aims to build the world's first industrial-grade cognitive platform for robots. He also coauthored Rebooting AI: Building Artificial Intelligence We Can Trust with Ernest Davis.

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Joining him at the talk, was a panel of academic AI industry experts and faculty members from UBC's computer science department:  Dr. Chen Greif, Dr. Frank Wood, and Dr. Kevin Leyton-Brown

Gary and the panel had a lively discussion with the audience, addressing where the breakthroughs are coming from, how AI technology will affect our lives in the years and decades to come and the capabilities that may remain out of reach.

As AI is shaping our future and how we live, UBC researchers are are advancing AI methods and sharing their insights with both industry and the public at large.

