CPSC 445 201 2022W Instructor(s) Jiarui Ding Course Page https://canvas.ubc.ca/courses/106392 Online Adaptations This course aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to the mathematical and computational tools needed for analyzing high-throughput genomic sequencing data, with a focus on developing probabilistic models for single-cell genomics. The course aims to help students gain an intuitive understanding and a practical mastery of mathematical and computational methods and equip them with programming and data visualization skills that are essential for scientific inquiry. Some topics include probability, statistical inference, probabilistic graphical models, latent variable models, deep latent variable models, and their applications in single-cell genomics. Course Info Section 201 Term Term 2 Session 2022W Dates Days Tue Thu Time (start) 3:30 PM Time (end) 5:00 PM Date (start) Mon, Jan 9, 2023 Date (end) Thu, Apr 13, 2023