CS Theses 1969
For 1969 graduation dates (in alpahbetical order by last name)
Network Planning and Resource Allocation for Project Control
Arden, Nicholas Russel
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/2429/35178
Degree : Master of Science - MSc
Graduation Date : 1969-05
Supervisor : Dr. Kennedy
A Power Series Expansion Connected with Riemann's Zeta Function
Allard, Gabriel Louis Adolphe
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/2429/35559
Degree : Master of Science - MSc
Graduation Date : 1969-11
DDS/I, An Applications-Oriented List Processor
Horvath, Leonard James
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/2429/35171
Degree : Master of Science - MSc
Graduation Date : 1969-05
Supervisor : Dr. Kennedy
Minimal Spanning Trees with Degree Restraints
McFarlane, Archibald
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/2429/35109
Degree : Master of Science - MSc
Graduation Date : 1969-05
Supervisor : Dr. Kennedy
Continual Pattern Replication
Munro, James Ian
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/2429/35131
Degree : Master of Science - MSc
Graduation Date : 1969-10
Supervisor : Dr. Rosenberg