CPSC 304 102 2020W

Online Adaptations
In Fall 2020, we will be running this course in a hybrid mode.  There will be some pre-recorded lecture material, but there will also be some real-time lecture material -- including iClicker Cloud questions and in-class exercises during class time.  There are two sections to this course to help accommodate students in other time zones.  Midterm exams will be in the form of quizzes (approximately bi-weekly).  We will take the best 5 out of 6.  These quizzes will scheduled online during your lecture time.  The required chapters from the textbook will be available for purchase in e-Book form, at a reduced price over the cost of the full e-Book; but, you're welcome to purchase the complete e-Book or the hardcover version.  More details are found in the course outline (syllabus) at the Course Page link, above.
Extended Description

Click on the Course Page link above to get to the current course outline.  We will use Canvas for most of the class materials.  This course begins on Thursday, September 10, 2020 because Tuesday, September 8 is Imagine Day (and UBC cancels daytime undergraduate classes).

Course Info
Term 1
Tue Thu
Time (start)
5:00 PM
Time (end)
6:30 PM
Date (start)
Date (end)