Publications by SPIN
Publications by SPIN authors, organized by the year the work was published.
Fartook, O., MacLean, K. E., Oron-Gilad, T., & Cauchard, J. R. "Expanding the Interaction Repertoire of a Social Drone: Physically Expressive Possibilities of a Perched BiRDe" International Journal of Social Robotics, 16, 257-280, 2024.
Fazlollahi, F., Seifi, H., Ballardini, G., Taghizadeh, Z., Schulz, A., MacLean, K. E., & Kuchenbecker, K. J. "Quantifying Haptic Quality: External Measurements Match Expert Assessments of Stiffness Rendering Across Devices" Proc. EuroHaptics Works-in-Progress, 1-2, 2024.
Hladký, M., Guerra, R. R., Cang, X. L., MacLean, K. E., Gebhard, P., & Schneeberger, T. Modeling the ‘Kiss my Ass’-Smile: Appearance and Functions of Smiles in Negative Social Situations. In Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Affective Computing & Intelligent Interaction (ACII), IEEE Computer Society, 2024, pp. 116-124.
McLaren, D., Gao,J., Yin, X., Guerra, R.R., Vyas, P., Morton, C., Cang, L.X., Chen, Y., Sun, Y., Li, Y., Madden, J.D. W., MacLean, K.E. What is Affective Touch Made Of? A Soft Capacitive Sensor Array Reveals the Interplay between Shear, Normal Stress and Individuality. In Proceedings of UIST '24. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1–31. 2024
Ruan, R., Adibi, A., & MacLean, K. E. "Navigating Three VITal Interdependent Qualities for Successful Cross-Community Collaboration" Proc. ACM CHI Workshop on HCI/Health Research, Hawaii, 7, 2024.
Vyas, P., Bao, A., Guerra, R. R., Guta, B., Davis, K., Uusberg, A., & MacLean, K. E. "The Role of Softness in Touchable Comfort Objects, from a Diversity of Toucher Perspectives" Proc. Haptics Symposium Cross-Cutting Challenges: Frontiers of Softness in Science and Engineering (Poster), 1, 2024.
Vyas, P., Guta, B., Zhou, T., Uusberg, A., & MacLean, K. E. "Come Co-regulate with CHORA: A Comforting, Haptic Co-regulating Adjunct for Facilitating Emotion Regulation." Proc. Eurohaptics - Hands-On Demonstration
Vyas, P., Uusberg, A., & MacLean, K. E. "Towards a Model for Haptics as a Co-Regulation Adjunct in Cognitive Reappraisal." Proc. Eurohaptics, 1-12, 2024.
Yin, X., Gao, J., Guerra, R. R., Morton, C., McLaren, D., Vyas, P., Cang, X. L., Ishizaki, R., Madden, J., & MacLean, K. E. "ShearSense: A soft flexible sensing array for capturing shear and normal stress in affective touch." Proc. Eurohaptics - Hands-On Demonstration
Boerner KE, Desai U, Luu J, MacLean KE, Munzner T, Foladare H, Shen J, Gill J, Oberlander TF. “Making Data the Drug: A Pragmatic Pilot Feasibility Randomized Crossover Trial of Data Visualization as an Intervention for Pediatric Chronic Pain." Children. 2023; 10(8):1355.
Cang XL, Guerra RR, Guta B, Bucci P, Rodgers L, Mah H, Feng Q, Agrawal A, MacLean K. "FEELing (key)Pressed: Implicit Touch Pressure Bests Brain Activity in Modelling Emotion Dynamics in the Space Between Stressed and Relaxed." IEEE Transactions on Haptics. 2023 Sep 4.
Cang XL, Israr A, MacLean KE. "When is a Haptic Message Like an Inside Joke? Digitally Mediated Emotive Communication Builds on Shared History." IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing. 2023 Feb 13;14(1):732-46.
Vincent Levesque, Karon E MacLean, Oliver Schneider, Jeremy R. Cooperstock, Pourang Irana, Pascal Fortin, Antoine Weill-Duflos "Exploring Haptic and Multimodal UX Design Through Distributed CanHap501 Projects" Demo at Worldhaptics, 2023
Bereket Guta, Tommy Nguyen, Jano Fu "Feel the Shift" Demo at IEEE World Haptics 2023
Katayoun Sepehri, Liisa Holsti, Sara Niasati, Vita Chan, and Karon E Maclean. "Beyond the Bulging Binder: Family-Centered Design of a Digital Health Information Management System for Caregivers of Children Living with Health Complexity", in Proc. 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 487, 1–19.
Kryklywy, J. H., Vyas, P., Maclean, K. E., & Todd, R. M. (2023). "Characterizing affiliative touch in humans and its role in advancing haptic design" Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1528(1), 29-41.
Nao Rojas, Daniel Chen, Rubia Reis Guerra, X. Laura Cang, Bereket Guta, Karon E. MacLean "A Tool for Capturing Customized Multi-Pass Emotion Self-Reports while Touching and Telling" Demo at Worldhaptics, 2023
Preeti Vyas, Unma Mayur Desai, Karin Yamakawa, and Karon Maclean. "A Descriptive Analysis of a Formative Decade of Research in Affective Haptic System Design", in Proc. 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 229, 1–23.
Yuna Watanabe, Xi Laura Cang, Rúbia Reis Guerra, Devyani Mclaren, Preeti Vyas, Jun Rekimoto, and Karon E Maclean. 2023. "Demonstrating Virtual Teamwork with Synchrobots: A Robot-Mediated Approach to Improving Connectedness." In Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 441, 1–4.
Cang XL, Guerra RR, Bucci P, Guta B, MacLean K, Rodgers L, Mah H, Hsu S, Feng Q, Zhang C, Agrawal A. "Choose or Fuse: Enriching Data Views with Multi-label Emotion Dynamics." In2022 10th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII) 2022 Oct 18 (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
Boerner KE, Desai U, MacLean KE, Munzner T, Foladare H, Gill J, Oberlander TF. "Data visualization as an intervention for pediatric chronic pain: a pilot feasibility study protocol for a randomized controlled crossover trial." Pilot Feasibility Stud. 2022 Oct 3;8(1):223. doi: 10.1186/s40814-022-01170-5. PMID: 36192779; PMCID: PMC9527132.
MacLean, K. E. (2022). "Designing affective haptic experience for wellness and social communication: where designers need affective neuroscience and psychology." In Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences - Special Issue on Perspectives in Affective Touch, 45:101113, pp. 1-8.
Desai, U. M. (2022). "myWeekInSight : visualizing personal data for chronic pain management through youth-centered design" (T). University of British Columbia.
Reis Guerra, R. (2022). "Feeling (key)pressed : comparing the ways in which force and self-reports reveal emotion" (T). University of British Columbia.
Sepehri, K. (2022). "Beyond the bulging binder : family-centered design of an information management system for caregivers of children living with health complexity" (T). University of British Columbia. Retrieved from
Cang, X.L., Feng, Q., & MacLean, K. E. "What's in a name? Issues in Triangulating Self-Reported Emotion to Establish Trustable Labels." CHI '21 Workshop on Momentary Emotion Elicitation and Capture, 2021.
Cang, X.L., Bucci, P., Rantala, J., & MacLean, K.E. "Discerning Affect from Touch and Gaze During Interaction with a Robot Pet." in IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing. 2021. pp 1-15.
Fazlollahi, F., Seifi, H., Kuchenbecker, K. J., & MacLean, K. E. (2021). "How do expert hapticians evaluate grounded force-feedback devices?" WorldHaptics Conference, Works in Progress, 4 pgs.
Kianzad, S., Chen, G., & MacLean, K. E. (2021). "PAL: A Framework for Physically Assisted Learning Through Design and Exploration With a Haptic Robot Buddy." Frontiers in Robotics and AI: Special Issue on Robot Learning, 8, pp. 1-22
MacLean, K. E., Schneider, O., Weill, A., Levesque, V., Irani, P., & Cooperstock, J. R. (2021, July). "CanHap 501: Learning haptic UX design in remote teams." In 2021 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC) (pp. 348-348). IEEE.
Ranger, M., Albert, A., MacLean, K.E., & Holsti, L. "Cerebral hemodynamic response to a therapeutic bed for procedural pain management in preterm infants in the NICU: a randomized controlled trial," Pain Reports, e890, 1-9, 2021.
Shakeri, H., Elbaggari, H., Bucci, P., Xiao, R., and MacLean, K.E., “FoldMold: Automating Papercraft for Fast DIY Casting of Scalable Curved Shapes,” in Proc. Graphics Interface, 10 pgs, 2021.
Soheil Kianzad, Yelim Kim, Julia Ann Barakso Lindsay, Yue Huang, Julian Benavides Benavides, Rock Leung, Karon E MacLean. “Accountability-Aware Design of Voice User Interfaces for Home Appliances,” Graphics Interface, 10 pgs, 2021.
Hauser, S., Suto, M., Holsti, L., Ranger, M. & MacLean, K. E. "Designing and Evaluating Calmer, a Device for Simulating Maternal Skin-to-Skin Holding for Premature Infants." ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’20), 2020, pp. 1-11.
Soheil Kianzad, Yuxiang Huang, Robert Xiao, and Karon E. MacLean. 2020. "Phasking on Paper: Accessing a Continuum of PHysically Assisted SKetchING." In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1–12. DOI:
Seifi, H., Chun, M., Gallacher, C., Schneider, O.S., MacLean, K.E. "How Do Novice Hapticians Design? A Case Study in Creating Haptic Learning Environments" in IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 2020, pp. 1-15.
Seifi, H., Oppenheimer, M., MacLean, K. E. & Kuchenbecher, K. "Capturing Experts’ Mental Models to Organize a Collection of Haptic Devices: Affordances Outweigh Attributes." ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’20), 2020, pp. 1-11.
Chun, M., "Comparing haptic application design communities : characterizing differences and similarities for future design knowledge sharing." M.Sc. Thesis. University of British Columbia, 2020
Bucci, P.H., Cang, X.L., Mah, H., Rodgers, L., MacLean, K.E. “Real Emotions Don’t Stand Still: Toward Ecologically Viable Representation of Affective Interaction,” 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interfaces, 2019, pp. 1-7.
Chu, T. H., Marino, D., Elbaggari, H., Gick, B., & MacLean, K. (2019). "Testing Symmetry Of Temporal Window Of Integration In Vibrotactile And Auditory Speech Information On Phoneme Perception." Canadian Acoustics; Vol 46, No 4 (2018).
Hart, J. W., Sheikholeslami, S., Croft, E., MacLean, K., Frank P., Gosselin, C., & Laurandeau, D. "Developing Robot Assistants with Communicative Cues for Safe, Fluent HRI." In H. A. Abbass, J. Scholz, & D. J. Reid (Eds.), Foundations of Trusted Autonomy (p. 24). Springer. Retrieved from
Holsti, L., MacLean, K. E., Oberlander, T., Synnes, A., & Brant, R. "Calmer: A Robot for Managing Acute Pain Effectively in Preterm Infants in the NICU." Pain Reports, 4(2), 2019, pgs. 1-6.
Kianzad S., MacLean K.E. "Collaborating Through Magic Pens: Grounded Forces in Large, Overlappable Workspaces" in Haptic Interaction, AsiaHaptics 2018, pp. 233-237
Marino, D. G., Elbaggari, H., Chu, T. H., Gick, B., & MacLean, K. (2019). "Single-Channel Vibrotactile Feedback For Voicing Enhancement In Trained And Untrained Perceivers." Canadian Acoustics; Vol 46, No 4 (2018).
Seifi H., Fazlollahi, F., Oppermann, M., Sastrillo, J.A., Ip, J., Agrawal, A., Park, G., Kuchenbecker, K.J., MacLean, K.E.. "Haptipedia: Accelerating Haptic Device Discovery to Support Interaction and Engineering Design." Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’19), 2019, pp. 1-12.
Seifi, H., Chun, M., & MacLean, K. E.. "Towards Affective Handles for Tuning Vibrations." ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 15(3 (Article 22), 2019. pgs. 1-12.
Seifi, H., Ip, J., Agrawal, A., Kuchenbecker, K. J. & MacLean, K. E. "Toward Expert-Sourcing of a Haptic Device Repository." CHI Workshop on Crowds and Creativity, 2019, pp. 1-4.
Bucci, P., Zhang, L., Cang, X. L., & MacLean, K. E. "Is it Happy? Behavioural and Narrative Frame Complexity Impact Perceptions of a Simple Furry Robot's Emotions." In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (p. 509). ACM.
Kianzad, S. & MacLean, K. E. "Harold’s Purple Crayon Rendered in Haptics: Large-Stroke, Handheld Ballpoint Force Feedback." In Haptics Symposium (HAPTICS), 2018 IEEE (pp. 106-111).
Seifi, H., MacLean, K. E., Kuchenbecher, K. J., and Park, G., “Haptipedia: An Expert-Sourced Interactive Device Visualization for Haptic Designers,” In Haptics Symposium (HAPTICS), Works in Progress: IEEE, 2018.
Ustek, D., Chow, K., Zhang, H., & MacLean, K. "A Multimodal Illusion of Force Improves Control Perception in Above-Surface Gesture: Elastic Zed-Zoom." In International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications, 2018, (pp. 295-308). Springer, Cham.
Zhang, L., Bucci, P., Cang, X. L., & MacLean, K. E., "Infusing CuddleBits with Emotion: Build your Own and Tell Us About it," In Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference Demonstration on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (p. D408) ACM.
Bucci, P., Cang, X. L., Valair, A., Marino, D., Tseng, L., Jung, M., Rantala, J., Schneider, O. S., MacLean, K. E. "Sketching CuddleBits: Coupled Prototyping of Body and Behaviour for an Affective Robot Pet." In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 3681-3692.
Cang, X. L., Dattoli, M. C., & MacLean, K. E. "The DIY Designer’s Sidekick: A Role for Robots in Personal Manufacturing." In IROS 2017 Workshop: Human-Robot Interaction in Collaborative Manufacturing Environments (HRI-CME)
Davis, R., Martina-Ortiz, M., Schneider, O., MacLean, K. E., Okamura, A. M., Blikstein, P. "The Haptic Bridge: Towards a Theory of Haptic-Supported Learning." In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC'17). Stanford, CA, USA, 2017, pp. 51-60.
MacLean, K. E., Schneider, O., and Seifi, H., “Multisensory Haptic interactions: Understanding the Sense and Designing for it,” in Handbook of Multimodal-Multisensor Interfaces, vol. 1, S. Oviatt, B. Schuller, P. Cohen, and A. Krueger, Eds.: ACM Books, Morgan Claypool, 2017, pp. 97-142.
Marino, D., Bucci, P., Schneider, O. S., MacLean, K. E. "Voodle: Vocal Doodling to Sketch Affective Robot Motion." In Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Designing Interactive Systems.
Clark, B., Schneider, O., MacLean, K., Tan, H.Z. "Predictable and Distinguishable Morphing of Vibrotactile Rhythm." World Haptics Conference. 2017.
Schneider, O., MacLean, K., Swindells, C., Booth, K. "Haptic Experience Design: What Hapticians Do and Where They Need Help." International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS), Special Edition on Multisensory HCI. 2017.
Seifi, H., & MacLean, K. E. (2017). "Exploiting haptic facets: Users' sensemaking schemas as a path to design and personalization of experience." International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 107, 38-61.
Bucci, P., "Building believable robots : an exploration of how to make simple robots look, move, and feel right." M.Sc. Thesis. University of British Columbia, 2017
Seifi, H. (2017). "Personalizing Haptics: From Individuals‚ from Sense-Making Schemas to End-User Haptic Tools." Ph.D. Thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver.
Bucci P., Cang, L., Chun, M., Marino, D., Schneider, O., Seifi, H., and MacLean KE. "CuddleBits: an iterative prototyping platform for complex haptic display." International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications - Demo, London UK, July 2016.
Minaker G., Schneider O., Davis R., MacLean KE. "HandsOn: Enabling Embodied, Creative STEM e-learning with Programming-Free Force Feedback." International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications 2016 Jul 4 (pp. 427-437). Springer International Publishing. (Best Poster Award)
Schneider, O. and MacLean, K. E., “Studying Design Process and Example Use with Macaron, a Web-based Vibrotactile Effect Editor,” in Proc. of HAPTICS Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, 2016.
Schneider, O. S., Seifi, H., Kashani, S., Chun, M., & MacLean, K. E. (2016, May). "HapTurk: Crowdsourcing Affective Ratings of Vibrotactile Icons." In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 3248-3260). ACM.
Cang, X.L., "Towards an Emotionally Communicative Robot: Feature Analysis for Multimodal Support of Affective Touch Recognition.", M.Sc. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2016.
Allen, J., Cang, L., Phan-Ba, M., Strang, A., and MacLean, K.E., “Introducing the CuddleBot: A Robot That Responds to Touch Gestures,” in Proc. of ACM/IEEE Int'l Conf on Human Robot Interaction (HRI) - Demo, Portland, 2015.
Cang, L., Bucci, P., and MacLean, K.E., “CuddleBits: Friendly, Low-cost Furballs that Respond to Your Touch,” in Proc. of ACM Int'l Conf on Multimomdal Interaction (ICMI) - Demo, Seattle, WA, pp. 2, 2015.
Cang, X. L., Bucci, P., Strang, Allen, J., MacLean, K. E., and Liu, H. Y. S., "Different Strokes and Different Folks: Economical Dynamic Surface Sensing and Affect-Related Touch Recognition." In Proceedings of the 2015 ACM on International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI '15). ACM, Seattle, WA, USA, Nov 2015, pp. 147-154.
Gleeson, B., Currie, K., MacLean, K.E., and Croft, E.A., “Tap and Push: Assessing the Value of Direct Physical Control in Human-Robot Collaborative Tasks,” Journal of Human Robot Interaction, vol. 4:1, pp. 95-113, 2015.
Jung, M.M., Cang, X.L, Poel, M., MacLean, K.E., "Touch Challenge'15: Recognizing Social Touch Gestures." In Proceedings of the 2015 ACM on International Conference on Multimodal Interaction 2015 Nov 9 (pp. 387-390). ACM.
Schneider, O. and MacLean, K. E., “Workshop on Haptic Experience Design,” in World Haptics Conference, Evanston, IL, 2015.
Schneider, O., Israr, A., and MacLean, K.E., “Tactile Animation by Direct Manipulation of Grid Displays,” in Proc. of Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), Charlotte, NC, 2015.
Sefidgar, Y., MacLean, K.E., Yohanan, S., Van der Loos, M., Croft, E.A., and Garland, J., “Design and Evaluation of a Touch-Centered Calming Interaction with a Social Robot,” Transactions on Affective Computing, vol. PP:99, pp. 1-15, 2015.
Altun, K., and MacLean, K.E., “Recognizing affect in human touch of a robot,” Pattern Recognition Letters:November, pp. 31-40, 2014.
Hart, J., Gleeson, B.T., Pan, M., Moon, A., MacLean, K.M., and Croft, E., “Gesture, Gaze, Touch, and Hesitation: Timing Cues for Collaborative Work,” in ACM/IEEE Int'l Conf on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI '14) - Workshop on Timing in Human-Robot Interaction, 2014, pp. 6 pages.
Wu, M., Schneider, O., Karuei, I., Leong, L., & MacLean, K. E. (2014). Introducing GaitLib: A Library for Real-time Gait Analysis in Smartphones. Proceedings of the MobileHCI.
Karuei, I. and MacLean, K.E., “Susceptibility to Periodic Vibrotactile Guidance of Human Cadence,” in Proc. of IEEE Haptic Symposium (HAPTICS '14), Houston, pp. 141 - 146, 2014.
Karuei, I., Schneider, O., Stern, B., Chuang, M., MacLean, K.M., "RRACE: Robust Realtime Algorithm for Cadence Estimation," Pervasive and Mobile Computing, vol. 13, 2014, pp. 52-66.
Moon A, Troniak DM, Gleeson B, Pan MK, Zheng M, Blumer BA, MacLean K, Croft EA. "Meet me where i'm gazing: how shared attention gaze affects human-robot handover timing." InProceedings of the 2014 ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-robot interaction 2014 Mar 3 (pp. 334-341). ACM.
Oram, L., MacLean, K.E., Kruchten, P., and Forster, B., “Crafting Diversity in Radiology Image Stack Scrolling: Control and Annotations,” in Proc. of Designing Interactive Systems (DIS), Vancouver, pp. 567-576, 2014.
Pan, M. K. X. J., McGrenere, J., MacLean, K. E., and Croft, E. A. “Exploring the Role of Haptic Feedback in an Implicit HCI-Based Bookmarking Application,” IEEE Transactions on Haptics, vol. 7:1, pp. 24-36, 2014.
Schneider, O., and MacLean, K. E. “Reflections on a WYFIWIF Tool for Eliciting User Feedback,” in CHI Workshops - Tactile UX. Toronto, CAN: ACM, 2014, pp. 5 pages.
Schneider, O., MacLean, K.M., "Improvising Design with a Haptic Instrument," Haptics Symposium, 2014, pp 327-332.
Seifi, H., Anthonypillai, C., and MacLean, K.E., “End-user Customization of Affective Tactile Messages: A Qualitative Examination of Tool Parameters,” in Proc. of IEEE Haptic Symposium (HAPTICS '14), Houston, pp. 251 - 256, 2014.
Dawson, J., Schneider, O., Ferstay, J., Toker, D., Link, J., Haddad, S. and MacLean, K. E. “It’s Alive! Exploring the Concept of a Living Phone,” in Proc. of Graphics Interface, Regina CAN, pp. 205-212, 2013.
Flagg, A., and MacLean, K. E., “Affective touch gesture recognition for a furry zoomorphic machine,” in Proc. of Int'l Conf on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, Barcelona, pp. 25-32 2013.
Gleeson, B. T., MacLean, K. E., Haddadi, A., Croft, E. and Alcazar, J. “Human-Robot Communication for Collaborative Assembly,” in GRAND General Meeting. Toronto, Canada, 2013, pp. 4 pages.
Gleeson, B., MacLean, K. E., Haddadi, A., Croft, E., and Alcazar, J. “Gestures for Industry: Intuitive Human-Robot Communication from Human Observation,” in Proc. of ACM/IEEE Int'l Conf on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI '13), Tokyo, Japan, pp. 349-356 2013.
Haddadi, A., Croft, E., Gleeson, B. T., MacLean, K. E. and Alcazar, J. “Analysis of Task-Based Gestures in Human-Robot Interaction,” in Proc. of IEEE Int'l Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Karlsruhe, Germany, pp. 2146-2152, 2013.
Karam, L., Kleijn, B., and MacLean, K. eds. "Proceedings of the IEEE: Special Issue on Perception-based Media Processing.", Vol. 101:9. 2013.
Oram, L., MacLean, K. E., Kruchten, P., Kooyman, J. and Gheorghe, F. “Enhancing Medical Image Interaction By Specializing the Mouse,” in Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine (SIMM '13). Dallas, TX, 2013, pp. 4.
Schneider, O., MacLean, K. E., Altun, K., Karuei, I., and Wu, M. “Real-time Gait Classification for Persuasive Smartphone Apps: Structuring the Literature and Pushing the Limits,” in Proc. of Int'l Conf in Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI '13), Santa Monica, USA, pp. 161-172 2013.
Seifi, H., and MacLean, K. E., “A first look at individuals' affective ratings of vibrations,” in Proc. of IEEE WorldHaptics '13, Daejon, S. Korea, pp. 605-610, 2013.
Tam, D., MacLean, K., McGrenere, J. and Kuchenbecker, K. J. “The Design and Field Observation of a Haptic Notification System for Timing Awareness During Oral Presentations,” in Proc. of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '13), Paris, FR, pp. 1689-1698, 2013.
Altun, K., "Machine learning methods for human-computer interaction," IEEE Haptics Symposium, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, March 2012
Flagg, A., Tam, D., MacLean, K. E., and Flagg, R., “Conductive Fur Sensing for a Gesture-Aware Furry Robot,” in Proceedings of IEEE Haptic Symposium (HAPTICS '12), Vancouver, Canada, March 2012, pp. 99-104.
Haraty, M., Tam, D., Haddad, S., McGrenere, J. and Tang, C., "Individual Differences in Personal Task Management: A Field Study in an Academic Setting." In Proceedings of the Graphics Interface (GI) 2012, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 28-30.
Levesque, V., Oram, L., and MacLean, K. E., “Exploring the Design Space of Programmable Friction for Scrolling Interactions,” in Proceedings of IEEE Haptic Symposium (HAPTICS '12), Vancouver, Canada, March 2012, pp. 23-30. (Best Paper Award).
Yohanan, S. and MacLean, K. E., “The Role of Affective Touch in Human-Robot Interaction: Human Intent & Expectations in Touching the Haptic Creature,” International Journal of Social Robotics (SORO), Special Issue on Expectations, Intentions and Actions. Vol 4, No 2, April 2012, pp. 163-180.
Flagg, A., "Sensing and recognizing affective touch in a furry zoomorphic object,", M.Sc. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2012.
Pan, M., "An Exploration of a Haptic Affect Loop through Use Cases," M.A.Sc. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2012. Supervised: Croft, MacLean
Schneider, O., "Using Gait as an Input Modality for Mobile Exercise Games,", M.Sc. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2012.
Sefidgar, Y., "TAMER: Touch-guided Anxiety Management via Engagement with a Robotic Pet: Efficacy Evaluation and the First Steps of Interaction Design,", M.Sc. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2012.
Tam, D., "The Design and Field Observation of a Haptic Notification System for Oral Presentation,", M.Sc. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2012.
Hwang, I., MacLean, K. E., Brehmer, M., Hendy, J., Sotirakopoulos, A., and Choi, S., “The Haptic Crayola Effect: Exploring the Role of Naming in Learning Haptic Stimuli.” in Proceedings of IEEE WorldHaptics '11, Istanbul, Turkey, pp, 385-390, June 2011.
Karuei, I., MacLean, K. E., Foley-Fisher, Z., Mackenzie, R., Koch, S., and El-Zohairy, M., “Detecting Vibrations Across the Body in Mobile Contexts,” in Proc. of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '11), Vancouver, Canada, pp. 3267-3276, 2011.
Levesque V, Oram L, MacLean K, Cockburn A, Marchuk ND, Johnson D, Colgate JE, Peshkin MA. "Enhancing physicality in touch interaction with programmable friction." In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2011 May 7 (pp. 2481-2490). ACM.
Levesque, V. and MacLean, K. E. (2011). “Do-It-Yourself Haptics: A Practical Introduction to Haptics for Consumer Electronics.” Invited tutorial for the IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics. Las Vegas: IEEE, 2011.
Levesque, V., Oram, L., MacLean, K. E., Colgate, J. E., and Peshkin, M. (2011). “Restoring Physicality to Touch Interaction with Programmable Friction.” In IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE). Las Vegas: IEEE, 2 pages, 2011.
Pan, M. K. X. J., Chang, J.-S., Himmetoglu, G. H., Moon, A., Hazelton, T. W., MacLean, K. E., and Croft, E. A. (2011). “Now, Where Was I? Physiologically Triggered Book marks for Audio Books.” In Proc. of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '11), Vancouver, Canada, pp. 1135-1140, May 2011.
Pedrosa, R. and MacLean, K. E., “Perception of Sound Renderings via Vibrotactile Feedback.” Proceedings of IEEE WorldHaptics '11, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 361-366, June 2011.
Yohanan, S. and MacLean, K. E. (2011). “Design and Assessment of the Haptic Creature’s Affect Display.” Proc. of ACM/IEEE Int'l Conf on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI '11), pp. 473-480, March, 2011. Best Paper Award.
Chang, J.-S. G., "Audio Stream Bookmarking with a Wristband Controller: Exploring the Role of Explicit Commands in an Implicit Control Loop,", M.Sc. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2011.
Baumann, M. A., MacLean, K. E., Hazelton, T. W., McKay, A. (2010). "Emulating Human Attention-Getting Practices with Wearable Haptics." In Proceedings of IEEE Haptic Symp (HAPTICS '10), Waltham, MA, USA, pp. 149-156, IEEE Press, March 2010.
Chang, J., MacLean, K. E., and Yohanan, S., “Gesture Recognition in the Haptic Creature,” in Proc. of EuroHaptics, Amsterdam, pp. 385-391, 2010.
Karuei, I., Foley-Fisher, Z., Koch, S., MacKenzie, R., El-Zohairy, M., and MacLean, K. E. (2010). “Vibration Perception in Mobile Contexts.” In Graphics Interface. Ottawa, Canada, 2 pages, 2010.
Karuei, I., Hazelton, T. W., MacLean, K. E., Baumann, M., and Pan, M. (2010). “Presenting a Biometrically-Driven Haptic Interaction Loop.” in ACM Conf. on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '10), Workshop on Whole Body Interaction. Atlanta, GA, 4 pages, April 2010.
Gerofsky, S., Savage, M., and MacLean, K. E. (2009). "'Being the Graph': Using Haptic and Kinesthetic Interfaces to Engage Students Learning About Functions." in The Ninth International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching (ICTMT 9), Metz, France, 5 pages, July 6-9 2009.
MacLean, K. E. (2009). "Putting Haptics into the Ambience." in IEEE Transactions on Haptics, vol. 2, no. 3, pages 123-135, July 13 2009.
MacLean, K. E., Enriquez, M. J., Lim, T. (2009). "Morphing in Periodic Tactile Signals." In Proceedings of 3rd World Haptics Conference (WH '09), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, pages 178-183, March 18-20 2009.
O'Brien, H. L., MacLean, K. E. (2009). "Measuring the User Engagement Process." In Proceedings of Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '09), Workshop on Engagement by Design, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 6 pages, April 2009.
Pedrosa, R., MacLean, K. E. (2009). "Evaluation of 3D Haptic Target Rendering to Support Timing in Music Tasks." in Proceeding of The International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME '09), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, pages 19-24, June 4-6 2009.
Swerdfeger, B., Fernquist, J., Hazelton, T., MacLean, K. E. (2009). "Exploring Melodic Variance in Rhythmic Haptic Stimulus Design." Proceedings of Graphics Interface (GI '09), Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, pages 131-140, May 2009.
Swindells, C., MacLean, K. E., Booth, K. S. (2009). "Designing for Feel: Contrasts between Human and Automated Parametric Capture of Knob Physics." IEEE Transactions on Haptics, vol 2., no. 4, pages 200-211, 2009.
Gerofsky, S., Savage, M., and MacLean, K.E., "Being the Graph: Using Haptic and Kinesthetic Interfaces to engage students learning about functions."
Yohanan, S., Hall, JP., MacLean, KE., Croft, E., Van der Loos, M., Baumann, M., Chang, J., Nielsen, D., and Zoghbi, S. “Affect-Driven Emotional Expression with the Haptic Creature,” in User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '09) - Demonstrations. Victoria, Canada: ACM Press, 2009, pp. 2 pages.
Yohanan, S., MacLean, K. E. (2009). "A Tool to Study Affect Touch: Goals & Design of the Haptic Creature." In Proceedings of Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '09), Works in Progress, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, pages 4153-4158, April 2009.
Chan, A., MacLean, K. E., McGrenere, J. (2008). "Designing Haptic Icons to Support Collaborative Turn-Taking", International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, vol. 66, pages 333-355, January 2008.
Enriquez, M. J., MacLean, K. E. (2008). "The Role of Choice in Longitudinal Recall of Meaningful Tactile Signals", in Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environments and Teleoperator Systems, pages 49-56, Reno, Nevada, USA, March 2008. (Best Paper: Haptics Science award).
Enriquez, M., MacLean, K. E. (2008). "Backward and Common-Onset Masking of Vibrotactile Stimuli", Brain Research Bulletin, Special Issue on Robotics and Neuroscience, vol. 75, no. 6. pages 761-769, 2008.
MacLean, K. E. (2008). "Foundations of Transparency in Tactile Information Design.", in IEEE Transactions on Haptics, vol. 1, no. 2, pages 84-95, July-December 2008.
MacLean, K. E. (2008). "Haptic Interaction Design for Everyday Interfaces", in M. Carswell (Ed.), Reviews of Human Factors and Ergonomics, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Santa Monica, California, USA, pages 149-194, 2008.
MacLean, K. E. (2008). "Towards Transparency in Pervasive Information Display: Possibilities for Attentionally-Managed Tactile Signals", in Proceedings of Pervasive Mobile Interaction Devices (Pervasive 2008), Adjunct Proceedings / Late Breaking Results, Sydney, Australia, May 2008.
MacLean, K. E. (2008). "Using Haptics for Mobile Information Display", in Proceedings of Pervasive Mobile Interaction Devices (PERMID 2008), Workshop at the 6th International Conference on Pervasive Computing, pages 175-179, Sydney, Australia, May 2008.
MacLean, K. E., Hayward, V. (2008). "Do It Yourself Haptics, Part II: Interaction Design", IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, vol. 15, no. 1, pages 104-119, March 2008.
Pedrosa, R., MacLean, K. E. (2008). "Perceptually Informed Roles for Haptic Feedback in Expressive Music Controllers.", in Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Haptic and Audio Interaction Design (HAID 2008), vol. 5270, pages 21-29, Jyvaskyla, Finland, September 15-16 2008.
Pedrosa, R., MacLean, K. E. (2008). "Using Haptic Feedback to Share Control with a Smart System", in Proceedings of Poster in Graphics Interface (GI 2008), Windsor, Ontario, Canada, May 2008.
Ternes, D., MacLean, K. E. (2008). "Designing Large Sets of Haptic Icons with Rhythm", in Proceedings of EuroHaptics, pages 199-208, Madrid, Spain, June 2008.
Yohanan, S., and MacLean, K.E., “The Haptic Creature Project: Social Human-Robot Interaction through Affective Touch,” in Proc. of The Reign of Katz and Dogz, 2nd AISB Symp on the Role of Virtual Creatures in a Computerised Society (AISB '08), Aberdeen, UK, pp. 7-11, 2008.
Hayward, V., MacLean, K. E. (2007). "Do It Yourself Haptics, Part I." IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, vol. 14, no. 4, pages 88-104, December 2007.
Leung, R., MacLean, K., Bertelsen, M. B., Saubhasik, M. (2007). "Evaluation of Haptically Augmented Touchscreen GUI Elements Under Cognitive Load." in Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, ICMI '07, pages 374-381, Nagoya, Japan, November 2007.
Pasquero, J., Luk, J., Levesque, V., Wang, Q., Hayward, V., MacLean, K. E. (2007). "Haptically Enabled Handheld Information Display with Distributed Tactile Transducer." IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 9, no. 4, pages 746-753, June 2007.
Smith, J., MacLean, K. E. (2007). "Communicating Emotion Through a Haptic Link: Design Space and Methodology." International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS), Special Issue on Affective Evaluation--Innovative Approaches, vol. 65, no. 4, pages 376-387, April 2007.
Swindells, C., MacLean, K. E. (2007). "Capturing the Dynamics of Mechanical Knobs." in Proceedings of World Haptics Conference (WHC), IEEE Press.
Swindells, C., MacLean, K. E., Booth, K. S., Meitner, M. (2007). "Exploring Affective Design for Physical Controls." in Proceedings of Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), CHI Letters, vol. 9, no. 1, ACM Press.
Pedrosa, R., "Perception-based design: including haptic feedback in expressive music interfaces", M.Sc. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2007.
Swindells, C., "Incorporating Affect into the Design of 1-D Rotary Physical Controls." Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of British Columbia, 2007. Supervised: MacLean, Booth
Enriquez, M., MacLean, K. E., Chita, C. (2006). "Haptic Phonemes: Basic Building Blocks of Haptic Communication." in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, ICMI'06, Banff, Alberta, Canada, November 2006.
Forsyth, B., MacLean, K. E. (2006). "Predictive Haptic Guidance: Intelligent User Assistance for the Control of Dynamic Tasks." in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 12, no. 1, pages 103-113, January/February 2006.
Luk, J., Pasquero, J., Little, S., MacLean, K., Hayward, V., Levesque, V. (2006). "Haptics as a Solution for Mobile Interaction Challenges: Initial Design Using a Handheld Tactile Display Prototype." in Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI '06, Montreal, Canada, April 2006. (Best of CHI award).
Neilson, H., Enriquez, M., and MacLean, K. (2006). "Haptic Signals for Communication Under Workload" (Poster), presented at Mass Terms: Cognitive Issues in Generics, Mass Terms, and Related Linguistic Constructions Conference, February 3-4 2006, Vancouver, BC. (Best Poster award).
Pasquero, J., Luk, J., Little, S., MacLean, K. E. (2006). "Perceptual Analysis of Haptic Icons: An Investigation into the Validity of Cluster Sorted MDS." in Proceedings of 14th Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environments and Teleoperator Systems, IEEE-VR'06, Alexandria, Virginia, USA, March 2006.
Swindells, C., MacLean, K. E. (2006). "Captured Dynamics Data of 5 Mechanical Knobs", Technical Report TR-2006-14, UBC Dept. of Computer Science, Vancouver, 2006.
Swindells, C., MacLean, K. E., Booth, K. S., Meitner, M. (2006). "A Case-Study of Affect Measurement Tools for Physical User Interface Design." in Proceedings of Graphics Interface, Canadian Human-Computer Communications Society, GI2006, Quebec City, Canada, June 2006.
Swindells, C., Maksakov, E., MacLean, K. E., Chung, V. (2006). "The Role of Prototyping Tools for Haptic Behavior Design." in Proceedings of 14th Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environments and Teleoperator Systems, IEEE-VR'06, Alexandria, Virginia, USA, March 2006.
Allen, M., Gluck, J., MacLean, K. E., Tang, E. (2005). "An Initial Usability Assessment for Symbolic Haptic Rendering of Music Parameters" (Poster), in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, ICMI'05, pages 244-251, Trento, Italy, October 2005.
Chan, A., MacLean, K. E., McGrenere, J. (2005). "Learning and Identifying Haptic Icons under Workload." in Proceedings of the First Joint Eurohaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, WHC 2005, Pisa, Italy, 2005. Note: An extended version of this paper is available as a technical report (below).
Enriquez, M., MacLean, K. E. (2005). "Common Onset Masking of Vibrotactile Stimuli" (Poster), in Proceedings of World Haptics Conference, IEEE-VR2005, Pisa, Italy, March 2005.
Smith, J., MacLean, K. E. (2005). "Using Haptic Metaphor to Communicate Emotion: A Structured Approach" (Poster), in Proceedings of World Haptics Conference, IEEE-VR2005, Pisa, Italy, March 2005.
Swindells, C., Smith, J. D., MacLean, K. E. (2005). "An Exploration of Representations to Aid Design of Haptic Behaviours." in Proceedings of CHI 2005 Workshop - Hands-on Haptics: Exploring Non-Visual Visualisation Using the Sense of Touch, pages 5-8, Portland, OR, April 2005.
Tang, A., McLachlan, P., Lowe, K., Chalapati, R. S., MacLean, K. E. (2005). "Perceiving Ordinal Data Haptically Under Workload." in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, ICMI'05, pages 317-324, Trento, Italy, October 2005. (Outstanding Paper award).
Yohanan, S., Chan, M., Hopkins, J., Sun, H., and MacLean, K.E., “Hapticat: Exploration of Affective Touch,” in Proc. of 7th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI '05), Trento, Italy, pp. 244-251, 2005.
Beamish, T., MacLean, K., Fels, S. (2004). "Manipulating Music: Multimodal Interaction for DJs." in Proceedings of ACM SIGCHI (CHI 2004), Vienna, Austria, 2004.
Brouwer, I., MacLean, K. E., Hodgson, A.J. (2004). "Simulating Cheap Hardware: A Platform for Evaluating Cost-Performance Trade-Offs in Haptic Hardware Design." in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2004, vol. 1, April 26 - May 1 2004, pages 770-775.
Chan, A., MacLean, K. E., McGrenere, J. (2004). "Learning and Identifying Haptic Icons under Workload." Technical Report TR-2004-15, UBC Dept. of Computer Science, Vancouver, 2004. Note: This is an extended version of the paper that appeared at WHC 2005 (above).
Enriquez, M. J., MacLean, K. E. (2004). "Impact of Haptic Warning Signal Reliability in a Time-and-Safety-Critical Task." in Proceedings of the 12th Annual Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environments and Teleoperator Systems, IEEE-VR2004, Chicago, USA, 2004.
Pava, G., MacLean, K. (2004). "Real Time Platform Middleware for Transparent Prototyping of Haptic Applications." in Proceedings of the 12th Annual Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environments and Teleoperator Systems, IEEE-VR2004, Chicago, USA, 2004.
Brouwer, I., "Cost-Performance Tradeoffs in Haptic Hardware Design." M.A.Sc. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2004. Supervised: MacLean, Hodgson
Chan, A., "Designing Haptic Icons to Support an Urgency-Based Turn-Taking Protocol", M.Sc. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2004.
Beamish, T., MacLean, K. E., Fels, S. (2003). "Designing the Haptic Turntable for Musical Control." in Proceedings of the 11th Annual Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environments and Teleoperator Systems, IEEE-VR2003, Los Angeles, CA, 2003.
Beamish, T., van den Doel, K., MacLean, K. E., Fels, S. (2003). "D'Groove: A Haptic Turntable for Digital Audio Control." in Proceedings of ICAD, Boston, MA, 2003.
Brouwer, I., MacLean, K., Hodgson, A. (2003). "Price-Quality Trade-Offs in Haptic Interfaces for Simulation of Laparoscopic Surgery" (Poster). Poster presentation at Medicine Meets Virtual Reality Conference, January 22-25 2003, Newport Beach, California USA.
Enriquez, M. J., MacLean, K. E. (2003). "The Hapticon Editor: A Tool in Support of Haptic Communication Research." in Proc of the 11th Annual Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environments and Teleoperator Systems, IEEE-VR2003, Los Angeles, CA, 2003.
MacLean, K., Enriquez, M. (2003)., "Perceptual Design of Haptic Icons," in Proceedings of Eurohaptics, Dublin, Ireland, 2003.
Swindells, C., Unden, A., Sang, T. (2003). "TorqueBAR: An Ungrounded Haptic Feedback Device", in Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI 2003), ACM Press, Nov. 5-7, Vancouver, BC.
Beamish, T., "D'Groove - A Digital Haptic Turntable for Music Control", M.Sc. Thesis, Univ. of British Columbia, 2003.
MacLean, K. E., Shaver, M. J., Pai, D. K. (2002). "Handheld Haptics: A USB Media Controller with Force Sensing." in Proceedings of the IEEE VR2002 10th Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems (HAPTICS 2002), Orlando, FL, 2002.
Enriquez, M., Afonin, O., Yager, B., MacLean, K. (2001). "A Pneumatic Tactile Notification System for the Driving Environment." in Proceedings of Workshop on Perceptive User Interfaces (PUI '01), Orlando, FL, 2001.
MacLean, K. E. (2000). "Application-Centered Haptic Interface Design." chapter in Human and Machine Haptics, M. Srinivasan and M. Cutkosky, Eds.: MIT Press.
MacLean, K. E. (2000). "Designing with Haptic Feedback." in Proceedings of IEEE Robotics and Automation (ICRA'2000), San Francisco, CA, April 22-28.
Levitin, D. J., Mathews, M. V., MacLean, K. (1999), "The Perception of Cross-Modal Simultaneity", in Proceedings of International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems, Belgium, 1999.
MacLean, K. E., Roderick, J. B. (1999). "Aladdin: Exploring Language with a Haptic Door Knob." Interval Research Corp TR# 1999-058.
MacLean, K. E., Roderick, J. B. (1999). "Smart Tangible Displays in the Everyday World: a Haptic Door Knob." The IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM'99), September 1999, Atlanta, GA. Interval Research Corp TR# 1999-048.
MacLean, K. E., Snibbe, S. S. (1999). "An Architecture for Haptic Control of Media." The 8th Annual Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, ASME / IMECE, Nashville, TN. Interval Research Corp TR# 1999-024.