Full citation
Chan, A., MacLean, K. E., McGrenere, J. (2004). "Learning and Identifying Haptic Icons under Workload." Technical Report TR-2004-15, UBC Dept. of Computer Science, Vancouver, 2004. Note: This is an extended version of the paper that appeared at WHC 2005 (above).
This work addresses the use of vibrotactile haptic
feedback to transmit background information with
variable intrusiveness, when recipients are engrossed
in a primary visual and/or auditory task. Our testbed
will be a novel urgency-based turn-taking protocol for
remote collaboration, and our setup uses inexpensive
off-the-shelf technology. We describe two studies
designed to (a) perceptually optimize a set of
vibrotactile "icons" for our protocol and (b) evaluate
users' ability to identify them in the presence of
varying degrees of workload.
We found that 7 icons learned in approximately 3
minutes were each typically identified within 2.5 s and
at 95% accuracy in the absence of workload. With
added visual and auditory distractor tasks, the time
required to detect a change in haptic icon increased
from 1.9 s to an average of 4.3 s. We further provide
initial parameters to help designers intelligently
balance the need to support communication while
minimizing disruption.
SPIN Authors
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