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David's Beer Call Archive

My self-indulgent quest for eternal department infamy!!


Here is an archive of my calls to Koerner's pub while I was Beer Czar.  There are a large number of inside jokes, so if you do not understand a comment, it is probably just me being self-indulgent.


Beer Calls While Beer Czar:


CSGSA changes got you down?


Beer, saints, and bad spelling....


Beer and theses....


Bread and Wine != Beer and Burgers


Pint sized insanity....


Jigs reels and beers (maybe slightly offensive)...


If you are still beer....leave

(After exams top ten).


Beer is better than just standing around...

(grad pick up lines)


Fire and beer.  Together at last (maybe offensive to some)!


HCI, crazies and the liquid cure.


Preemptive unilateral calls to beer and drinks of mass destruction....


Worst beer call ever...


Beer, art and the art of beer..


Settling in for a cold beer at Koerner's

(the David moves to T-Bird email)


Despite all the construction, the beer has not been moved from Koerner's


Beering in mind no one is here...

(Canada Day)


I only have eyes for beer.

(Beer Czar Nicknames)


Beer, BBQ, and Bad Vision

(the Imager BBQ email)


I believe drink gave thee the lie tonight.

(Shakespeare Play Names)


Throw in (money), throw up, throw down, and thrown out

(Ways to Get Kicked Out of Koerner's)


Blackouts and black stouts

(Forgotten events from last Friday)


Your choice.  Pass out from beer or heat.

(Bad Demos)


Rushin off to Koerner's.


Another goodbye toast.

(Rituals for departing students)


Strap on your dancing shoes and insert that extra liver....

(GSS Orientation Pick-up Lines)


The tame list.

(Ways to get new grads to join your lab)


Traditions and Trad.

(Lesser known Koerner's rituals)


Beers consumed, mugs lost, and lessons learned...

(Things learned from orientation week)


The FOC will not have beer so you still need Koerner's

(Food Outlet Contest Names)


Going nuts and nut browns.....

(CSGSA Rep Has Gone Insane)


A pilgrimage for beer.

(Thanksgiving Pet Peeves)


Help.  I need beer.

(Help Desk Complaints)



(Accidentally unnamed email.  Disqualifications from the Terrific TA Award)


Scaring you to drink.

(Rejected Halloween Costumes)


Beverage treats and obligatory retreats....

(Good things about Beer Czar missing a week)



(Thoughts of Pilot Subjects)


Doctor of Sobriety

(Ways you know you shouldn't do a PhD)


Dreaming about beer....

(Ways you know you are sleep deprived)


In the end, I only remember the beer....

(Student has gone nuts AND Good things about 2 people showing up last week)


Making an ass of yourself, even without beer....

(My academic de-pants-ing)


Submitting to beer and fun...

(Ways you know you are submitting to a bad conference)


A holiday gift of beer.

(Bad Christmas Presents)


Beer: An excuse for slipping and falling.....

(New Years Resolutions and Good Things about Not Emailing the Previous Week)


Singing without the influence of beer.

(Bad things about doing musical theatre)


Why go to a conference when you can meet people over a beer...

(Ways to know you are going to a crappy conference)


Do not rush beer, phd applications or beer calls.

(Lessons learned from my PhD applications)


Performing nuts for nut browns.

(Ways to know the coffee house performer has gone nuts)


The Aphrodisiac Known As Beer......

(Things single people can do on Valentine's Day)


You can't spell busy without "bus" and "Y". Y? Because you can't spell beer without "be" and "er".  If Busy then take the bus to be 'er at 5.

(Bored grad student thoughts on the bus)



(Things heard at my bachelor auction)


Stepping down and stepping out for beer.

(Ways to not gracefully step down as beer czar)




Other Top Ten Lists After My Last Official Beer Call:


Super last minute beer...

(The Czar at the time missed the call and I wrote something quick....and crappy)


Temporary Tuesday Tea Traditions....

(Tuesday Tea Call)


[Beer Call] No mastering a degree of restraint when it comes to beer....

(Graduation Beer Call:  Really final call)


Inappropriate Comments Disclaimer:


It is pretty safe to say that there is at least 1 rude or low brow comment in each and every email so please read at your own risk.


These emails have been posted for anyone who wants to reminisce (and so I can correct some of the spelling mistakes I made).  They are provided exclusively for entertainment purposes for fellow UBC CS grads in my year.


......I probably should remove this archive if I ever want to get a job. :)


All that being said: enjoy!



