Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2005 13:41:30 -0800 (PST)

From: David Sprague <>



Well  hello again everyone.  Second last week of my term as beer czar. This is one of your last chances to be guaranteed to see

me at Koerner's on a Friday.  For those of you that have not been able to make it so far, find out what you are missing.  For

those of you that made it last week, I will try and wear pants this time.  Last week's turnout was sorta sad and I would

DEFINITELY want to improve upon that this week.  No one is off skiing during reading week any more.....although a large

contingent of the women in the CS department are getting drunk in San Francisco tonight. Everyone else that normally goes to

Koerner's: lets show them that we can have as good a time as them, and we don't need to take a plane (although the distance of

the walk to Koerner's might warrant one).   Lets all meet in the front of CICSR at 5 and head on over.  Trust me.  You don't

have work to do and/or one beer will help you work harder.  Honest....or at least that is my justification this week.*


* Kill me.  Kill me now.  Make the pain end **


**.....that or gag Barry so he doesn't keep reminding me that he is finishing his PhD before I am finishing my MSc and we

graduated Queen's at the same year.


So this week's list is related to what I am doing tonight.  Sure I could write about my thesis.  I could write about the school

or our workload, but instead I am excited to tell everyone that I am selling myself tonight.  Yes, that's right. The Gilbert and

Sullivan Society*** is having a charity Bachelor/Bachelorette auction tonight to raise money for the Red Cross. The most precise

description I have found is:  "Second Chance at Valentines Day Bachelor/Bachelorette Auction, Auction at 7:30 in SUB T207,

romantic date with dessert and dance included in auction price."  Anyways, since this is the first time I have ever sold myself

off to the highest bidder, I thought I would write a list about it.  Enjoy.  It is a -8 day so get yourself some coffee.


*** Yes.  Them again.  I requested that the name "Beer Czar" be changed to "Beer and Self-Serving Announcement Czar" next year.

Jocelyn didn't think it would fly, but I think it is a more accurate description.




A = Auctioneer

B = Bidder

C = Bachelor / Bachelorette (c for commodity)





10.      B: "It is sorta like prostitution except there is no sex



9.      C: "When we said "bring a plant to make sure someone bids on you"

        we didn't mean a ficus.


8.      C:"I have to have dinner with THAT? ......Can I buy myself out of

        my contract?"


7.      B: "You sing a song from another damn musical and I will stab you

        with a fork."


6.      A: "He likes rampant unprotected sex with multiple partners and he

        enjoys getting into random fights in bars.....however, he is a hot

        jock.  Lets start the bidding at $20..."


5.      A: "Do I hear 50 cents???  Come on people.  Computer scientists

        can't be THAT bad to date."


4.      B: "Holy crap!!  Five dollars!!  Is he guaranteed to put out!?!"


3.      B: "Vance is into French acrobatic midgets??  Who knew?"


2.      A: "Do I hear $19?"

        B: "I bid $1!!"

        A: " For the FINAL time sir, you can only bid MORE than the previous bid."

        B: "Is $1 more than $18??"

        A: *sigh* "....arts students."


1.      A: "SOLD for $40 to the ugly guy who needs to pay for his dates!"


0.       A: "David, if you hump the leg of every woman who bids on you,

        we'll never finish..... although you might."


-1.     B: "I bid.....4 dollars 83 cents and some pocket lint!"


-2.     B: "Throw in a gag and I'll bid $8!!"


-3.      B: "Oh.  He's way better looking.  Can I trade in my old date for



-4.     A: "Do I hear $-7 for our resident computer scientist?

        .....$-8 ??"


-5.     *Thinking* 24 /2 + 7 = 19 < 20 years old:   "Ten dollars!!!"


-6.     A: "I hear $15 from the ficus in the front."


-7.     A: ".....she is a 22 year old Taurus.  She loves roses, Coldplay,

        and killing hobos down by the train tracks...."


-8.     B: "I can't believe I paid so much for something so small."



Snobby Beer Quote of the Week:


"A woman drove me to drink and I didn't even have the decency to thank her."

--W.C. Fields



David "quantifying my worth tonight" Sprague