Vered Shwartz
Assistant Professor
Research Interests:
semantics, pragmatics, commonsense reasoning, natural language
PhD Students
Sahithya Ravi
Co-supervised with Raymond Ng
Grigorii Guz
Co-supervised with Giuseppe Carenini
Soheil Alavi
Co-supervised with Raymond Ng
Aditya Chinchure
Co-supervised with Leonid Sigal
Mehar Bhatia
PhD student @ McGill University, co-supervised with Siva Reddy
Master's Students
Shruthi Chockkalingam
Co-supervised with Raymond Ng
Frequent Collaborators
Maksym Taranukhin
PhD Student @ Dalhousie University
Farhan Samir
PhD Student @ UBC
Master's Students
Mehar Bhatia (2024)
Undergraduate Students
Jordan Coil (2022)
Jacob Hotz (2022)
Shuhaib Mehri (2023)
Alexa Gogoescu (2024)