
Upcoming Events

No Upcoming Events

Find details or connect to us at @UBC_CSGSA on Instagram or Twitter.

Recent Past Events

  1. Halloween Party | 28th October 2022
  2. Diwali Party | 4th November 2022

Find details or connect to us at @UBC_CSGSA on Instagram or Twitter.

Regular Events

Except during breaks there are CSGSA events happening every week! Click here for a list of our regular events.

Stay in the Loop

There are two great ways to stay informed aboutĀ both regular and one-timeCSGSA Events:

  1. Join the CSGSA social mailing list:
    Incoming new graduate students are automatically added to this list before their first term. The list is however open to anybody, including post-docs, faculty, staff and even friends outside the department.

    To be added to the mailing list, please send an email to

  2. Follow our socials:
    Follow us at @UBC_CSGSA on Instagram and Twitter.
  3. Subscribe to our event calendar found under the following link:

    Note that this calendar only contains our regular events and ones planned in the near future. Therefore please do not just download the linked file but actually subscribe to it (using your calendar App’s built-in functionality) to make sure you are always up-to-date!

Plan your Own Event

If you are interested in organizing an event with support from the CSGSA (either financially or by helping with planning or spreading the word), please makeĀ a request to