
Workshop on Educational Games as Intelligent Learning Environments

Background and Motivation
Focus Issues
  Submission:     April 22
  Notification:      May 17
  Camera Ready: May 23

Accepted Papers
see the main conference website  for details

Focus Issues

The list of issues that the workshop aims to target includes the following:

  1. Are some genres of games more effective at producing learning outcomes?
  2. What are the individual differences in game playing preferences and benefits derived? How do  learners ’ individual traits (cognitive, meta-cognitive and affective) influence the genres of games they prefers/benefit from?
  3. How can intelligent tutoring technologies augment gaming experience, with particular consideration to both motivational and learning outcomes?
  4. How can we incorporate tutoring without interfering with game playing?
  5. What role can intelligent educational games play in collaborative and social learning experiences?
  6. The cost of developing games is very high and requires a large team with diverse skills. Adding AI techniques to the picture is likely to make the cost even higher. What tools exist or need to be developed to manage the cost of development?
  7. Should the gaming industry be involved and how?

The workshop participants will be asked to explicitly address one or more of these issues in their contributions.