
The best part of research is meeting great people! Here are some of the researchers I've worked with over the years.

2023: Arvin and I solved a 76 year old problem in mathematical statistics.

2019: Tasuku, Chris and I discuss submodular functions in the Nitobe Gardens at UBC.

2019: My students Sikander and Chris relax after presenting papers at COLT and EC in Phoenix.

2018: Shai, Abbas, Chris, Hassan and I celebrate our best paper award at NeurIPS in Montreal.

2018: Algorithms Lab group photo.

2017: White water rafting with the Algorithms Lab members.

2016: My postdoc Abbas and I go for a hike in Banff.

2015: Seffi Naor, Bruce Shepherd and I unwind on the patio in Barbados.

2014: Neil Olver and I discuss pipage rounding at Cypress Mountain.

2013: Me and Andy Warfield at the Coho Data holiday party.

2008: Jan Vondrak and I hike up Mount Fuji.

2007: Sergey Yekhanin and me after our half marathon.

2003: SkipNet researchers (Alec, Mike, Marvin, Stefan, me) at Microsoft Research.