MLN4KB: an efficient Markov logic network engine for large-scale knowledge bases and structured logic rules


Markov logic network (MLN) is a powerful statistical modeling framework for probabilistic logic reasoning. Despite the elegancy and effectiveness of MLN, the inference of MLN is known to suffer from an efficiency issue. Even the state-of-the-art MLN engines can not scale to medium-size real-world knowledge bases in the open-world setting, i.e., all unobserved facts in the knowledge base need predictions. In this work, by focusing on a certain class of first-order logic rules that are sufficiently expressive, we develop a highly efficient MLN inference engine called MLN4KB that can leverage the sparsity of knowledge bases. MLN4KB enjoys quite strong theoretical properties; its space and time complexities can be exponentially smaller than existing MLN engines. Experiments on both synthetic and real-world knowledge bases demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. MLN4KB is orders of magnitudes faster (more than $10^3$ times faster on some datasets) than existing MLN engines in the open-world setting. Without any approximation tricks, MLN4KB can scale to real-world knowledge bases including WN-18 and YAGO3-10 and achieve decent prediction accuracy without bells and whistles. We implement MLN4KB as a Julia package called MLN4KB.jl. The package supports both maximum a posteriori (MAP) inference and learning the weights of rules. MLN4KB.jl is public available at

In ACM Web Conference 2023
Huang Fang

My research interests include optimization, learning theory, algorithm design and data mining.
