Source Themes

Differentiable Neuro-Symbolic Reasoning on Large-Scale Knowledge Graphs

Knowledge graph (KG) reasoning utilizes two primary techniques, i.e., rule-based and KG-embedding based. The former provides precise inferences, but inferring via concrete rules is not scalable. The latter enables efficient reasoning at the cost of …

MLN4KB: an efficient Markov logic network engine for large-scale knowledge bases and structured logic rules

Markov logic network (MLN) is a powerful statistical modeling framework for probabilistic logic reasoning. Despite the elegancy and effectiveness of MLN, the inference of MLN is known to suffer from an efficiency issue. Even the state-of-the-art MLN …

Improved Convergence of Differential Private SGD with Gradient Clipping

Differential private stochastic gradient descent (DP-SGD) with gradient clipping (DP-SGD-GC) is an effective optimization algorithm that can train machine learning models with a privacy guarantee. Despite the popularity of DP-SGD-GC, its convergence …

Improving Fairness for Data Valuation in Federated Learning

Federated learning is an emerging decentralized machine learning scheme that allows multiple data owners to work collaboratively while ensuring data privacy. The success of federated learning depends largely on the participation of data owners. To …

A dual approach for federated learning

We study the federated optimization problem from a dual perspective and propose a new algorithm termed federated dual coordinate descent (FedDCD), which is based on a type of coordinate descent method developed by Necora et al.~\emph{[Journal of …

Fair and efficient contribution valuation for vertical federated learning

Federated learning is a popular technology for training machine learning models on distributed data sources without sharing data. Vertical federated learning or feature-based federated learning applies to the cases that different data sources share …

First-order methods for structured optimization

First-order methods are gaining substantial interest in the past two decades because of their superior performance in solving today's large-scale problems. In this thesis, we study some widely used first-order methods for problems that satisfy …

First-order methods for structured optimization

First-order methods are gaining substantial interest in the past two decades because of their superior performance in solving today's large-scale problems. In this thesis, we study some widely used first-order methods for problems that satisfy …

Safe-screening rules for atomic-norm regularization

Safe-screening rules are algorithmic techniques meant to detect and safely discard unneeded variables during the solution process with the aim of accelerating computation. These techniques have been shown to be effective for one-norm regularized …

Efficient Greedy Coordinate Descent via Variable Partitioning

Greedy coordinate descent (GCD) is an efficient optimization algorithm for a wide range of machine learning and data mining applications. GCD could be significantly faster than randomized coordinate descent (RCD) if they have similar per iteration …