IVITA Workshop Overview

[proceedings, IVITAintro, IVITAsummary, panel]

    Most of the world's information is contained in the form of text documents. To help people cope with the ever increasing amounts of text information, researchers have developed a wide array of text analysis technologies. However, consuming the complex analysis results of these technologies may be non-trivial, especially for average users who are not computer experts, let alone text analytics experts. Furthermore, such results may be inaccurate or contain ambiguous or even misleading information. To help users better interpret text analysis results and discover opportunities to improve the results, researchers have been integrating text analytics technologies with interactive visualization technologies.

    Such efforts roughly fall into two categories. On the one hand, researchers from the text analytics community use basic visualizations (e.g., bar chart, pie chart) to display their final analysis results. On the other hand, researchers from the information visualization community focus on illustrating simple analysis results (e.g., tf–idf measure of keywords). There are a few efforts that tightly integrate state-of-the-art text analytics with interactive visualization to maximize the value of both.

    The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners from both text analytics and interactive visualization communities to explore, define, and develop intelligent visual interfaces that help enhance the consumption and quality of complex text analysis results. Ideally, the developed technologies or tools can: 1) better convey and explain complex text analytic results and make them consumable; 2) compensate for the deficiencies of current text analysis technology; 3) help discover opportunities for improving text analytics to support an iterative, progressive analytic process. 

Top research and application papers will be invited to submit to a special issue of  ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (ACM TIST)



Paper/demo due: Dec 15, 2009

Paper/demo author notification: Dec 25, 2009

Final Paper camera-ready due: Jan 10, 2010