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-- DonaldActon - 07 Feb 2011

CPSC 317 CWSEI Resources

This page can be used to capture interesting references, resources and other materials relevant to the CWSEI related evaluation/revision of CPSC 317, Internet Computing.


Possible Course Content

CWSEI Funding Proposal


  • Nova: Spy Factory - This is a fascinating episode that provides a glimpse into the world of spying and the role played by computer networks.
  • Packet Flight Animation of packet exchanges for TCP connections - very cool


Sample Course Related Videos

  • This is a link to Martin Carlisle's home page. Martin has done some interesting work, backed by research studies, demonstrating improvement in learning outcomes when students are asked to watch short focused videos before class and then the class focusses on having the students do things in class. The in class work is then reviewed and, during the next class, good examples (The Gallery of Glory) and "bad" examples (The Isle of Infamy) are shown to and discussed with the students. Examples of Martin's videos can be found at http://www.youtube.com/user/carlislemc.
  • Technology in the Cloud Plus some Challenges and Opportunities. This is a presentation by Doug Terry, SIGOPS chair, and lead for the ACM cloud computing Tech Packs.


This section contains pointers to actual software systems that could be of interest.
  • zeromq User layer software that encapsulates the socket API to simplify making network connections and building distributed applications.
  • ownCloud Software for a personal storage cloud
  • Google Cloud Data Storage Google labs provides an API for storing data in their cloud. Actually the google labs area has a number of interesting APIs that we might be able to make use of in a course.
  • Douglas Comer's Networking Resources A simplified API for network programming is available via a link on the left side. The API is in C and includes a Visual Studio Project for those working in Windows.
  • http://www.traceroute.org/ This site allows you to do traceroutes from sites all over the world. Using this one should be able to map out a bit about what the internet looks like.
  • OpenStack As the website says "Open source software for building public and private clouds."

Other References

Possible Course Texts or References

  • Networking Bible by Barrie Sosinsky. This is a trade paperback that has a suggested retail price of $54CDN. It is available from Amazon.ca and Chapters for around $35. Chapters also has a kobo version. In addition the electronic version is available through UBC's 24x7 electronic subscription. (You will need to login with your CWL and then search for the book Networking Bible)
  • Cloud Computing Bible by Barrie Sosinsky. Same availability information as above. It is unlikely that one would use this as the course text, but it does include some decent background information that could be given as an assigned reading, or just as a reference.
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PDFpdf CPSC317-W1-Survey.pdf r1 manage 12.6 K 2011-02-07 - 21:29 DonaldActon CPSC 317 Winter 2010 Term 1 - attitudinal survey
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