Uses of Class

Uses of Beast in <Unnamed>

Methods in <Unnamed> that return Beast
 Beast[] BeastManager.getBeasts()
          Provide a list of the beasts managed.
 Beast[] IBeastProvider.getBeasts()
          Get a list of all the beasts this provider contains.
 Beast[] DumbSetup.getBeasts()
          Get the setup list of dumb beasts.

Methods in <Unnamed> with parameters of type Beast
 void BeastManager.addBeast(Beast beast)
          Add the given beast to the set of managed beasts.
 void BeastManager.removeBeast(Beast beast)
          Remove the given beast from the set of managed beasts.

Constructors in <Unnamed> with parameters of type Beast
BeastInfo(Beast beast)
          Create a new BeastInfo from the given Beast.