Parent SkeletonsContextual IndependenceWhere Does Contextual Independence Arise?Parent Contexts and Contextual Belief Networks

Parent Contexts and Contextual Belief Networks

We use the notion of contextual independence for a representation that looks like a belief network, but with finer-grain independence that can be exploited for efficient inference in the contextual variable elimination algorithm.

As in the definition of a belief network, let's assume that we have a total ordering of the variables, X1,...,Xn.

Definition. Given variable Xi, we say that C=c, where C subset {Xi-1...X1} and c in dom(C), is a parent context for Xi if Xi is contextually independent of the predecessors of Xi (namely {Xi-1...X1}) given C=c.

What is the relationship to a belief network? In a belief network, the rows of a conditional probability table for a variables form a set of parent contexts for the variable. However, there is often a much smaller set of smaller parent contexts that covers all of the cases.

Example. Consider the belief network and conditional probability table of Figure *. The predecessors of variable E are A,B,C,D,Y,Z. A set of minimal parent contexts for E is { {a,b}, {a,~b}, {~a,c}, {~a,~c,d,b}, {~a,~c,d,~b}, {~a,~c,~d}}. This is a mutually exclusive and exhaustive set of parent contexts. The probability of E given values for its predecessors can be reduced to the probability of E given a parent context. For example:

P(e|a,b,c,~d,y,~z) = P(e|a,b)
P(e|~a,b,c,~d,y,~z) = P(e|~a,c)
P(e|~a,~b,c, d,~y,~z) = P(e|~a,c).
In the belief network, the parents of E are A,B,C,D. To specify the conditional probability of E given its parents, the traditional tabular representation (as in Figure *) require 24 = 16 numbers instead of the 6 needed if we were to use the parent contexts above. Adding an extra variable as a parent to E doubles the size of the tabular representation, but if it is only relevant in a single context it may only increase the number of parent contexts by one.

We can often (but not always) represent contextual independence in terms of trees.

Tree-structured representations of the conditional probabilities for E, B, and D given their parents. Left branches correspond to true and right branches to false. Thus, for example, P(e|a &b) = 0.55, P(e|a &~b) = 0.3, P(e|~a &~c &d &b) = 0.025 etc.

The left side of Figure * gives a tree-based representation for the conditional probability of E given its parents. In this tree, internal nodes are labelled with parents of E in the belief network. The left child of a node corresponds to the variable labelling the node being true, and the right child to the variable being false. The leaves are labelled with the probability that E is true. For example P(e|a&~b) = 0.3, irrespectively of the value for C or D. In the tree-based representation the variable (E in this case) is contextually independent of its predecessors given the context defined by a path through the tree. The paths through the tree correspond to parent contexts.

Before showing how the structure of parent contexts can be exploited in inference, there are a few properties to note:

Definition. A contextual belief network is an acyclic directed graph where the nodes are random variables. Associated with each node Xi is a mutually exclusive and exhaustive set of parent contexts, Pii, and, for each pi in Pii, a probability distribution P(Xi|pi) on Xi. Thus a contextual belief network is like a belief network, but we only specify the probabilities for the parent contexts.

For each variable Xi and for each assignment Xi-1=vi-1,..., X1=v1 of values to its preceding variables, there is a compatible parent context piXivi-1...v1. The probability of a complete context (an assignment of a value to each variable) is given by:

= PRODi = 1n P(Xi=vn|Xi-1=vi-1,..., X1=v1)
= PRODi = 1n P(Xi=vi|piXivi-1...v1) 
This looks like the definition of a belief network (equation (*)), but which variables act as the parents depends on the values. The numbers required are the probability of each variable for each element of the mutually exclusive and exhaustive set of parent contexts. There can be many fewer of these than the number of assignments to parents in a belief network. At one extreme, there are the same number; at the other extreme there can be exponentially many more assignments of values to parents than the number of elements of a mutually exclusive and exhaustive set of parent contexts.
David Poole and Nevin Lianwen Zhang,Exploiting Contextual Independence In Probabilistic Inference, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 18, 2003, 263-313.

Parent SkeletonsContextual IndependenceWhere Does Contextual Independence Arise?Parent Contexts and Contextual Belief Networks