Uses of Class

Uses of ChildBearingNode in ca.ubc.cs.elide.nodes

Subclasses of ChildBearingNode in ca.ubc.cs.elide.nodes
 class BlockNode
          BlockNode objects represent blocks of Java code in the target system.
 class ClassNode
          ClassNode objects represent classes in the target system.
 class CodeBearingNode
          CodeBearingNode is an abstract class representing nodes which can contain Java code.
 class ConstructorNode
          ConstructorNode objects represent constructor methods.
 class FieldNode
          FieldNode objects represent fields of classes.
 class InstanceBlockNode
          InstanceBlockNode objects represent non-static blocks declared in Java classes.
 class MethodNode
          A MethodNode provides information about a single method on a class or interface.
 class ModifierBearingNode
          ModifierBearingNode is an abstract class, representing a Java element that can have modifiers such as public and synchronized attached to it.
 class PackageNode
          A PackageNode provides information on and access to a single Java package.
 class ParameterNode
          A ParameterNode provides information about a single formal parameter of a method.
 class StartNode
          A StartNode represents the root of a parse tree - this tree is made up of representations of all of the packages, classes, methods, and so on, being processed by ELIDE.
 class StaticBlockNode
          A StaticBlockNode represents a static initialization block within a class body.

Methods in ca.ubc.cs.elide.nodes that return ChildBearingNode
 ChildBearingNode ParseNode.getParent()