Examples of using minConf_QNST

These demos have been set up to show how minConf_QNST from the thesis code package can be used to optimize the sum of a smooth function and a variety of simple non-smooth functions. The code uses a simultaneous linear regression loss which has a matrix of parameters, but any smooth loss and vectorized parameter-structure can be used in its place.

The code used to run these demos can be downloaded here (which includes a copy of the 2012 version of the minConf and L1GeneralGroup codes from the thesis package as well as the 2012 version of minFunc package).

To run all of the demos, type (in Matlab):

>> cd QNSTexamples           % Change to the extracted directory
>> addpath(genpath(pwd))     % Add all sub-directories to the Matlab path
>> mexAll                    % Compile mex files (not necessary on all systems)
>> QNST_examples             % Run the examples



We first solve min_W |X*W - Y|_F^2 + lambda*sum_{ij}|W_{ij}|.

n = 500;
p = 100;
k = 50;
X = randn(n,p);
W = diag(rand(p,1) > .9)*randn(p,k) + randn(p,1)*randn(1,k);
Y = X*W + randn(n,k);

% Smooth Part of Objective Function
funObj1 = @(W)SimultaneousSquaredError(W,X,Y);

% Non-Smooth Part
lambda = 500;
funObj2 = @(W)lambda*sum(abs(W));

% Prox Operator
funProx = @(W,alpha)sign(W).*max(abs(W)-lambda*alpha,0);

% Optimize with QNST
fprintf('Optimizing with L1-regularization\n');
W(:) = minConf_QNST(funObj1,funObj2,W(:),funProx);

sparsityW = nnz(W)
rowSparsityW = nnz(sum(abs(W),2))
rankW = rank(W)
Optimizing with L1-regularization
 Iteration   FunEvals Projections     Step Length    Function Val
         1          2          3     5.67600e-06     1.70587e+06     7.04377e+00
         2          3         14     1.00000e+00     1.22290e+06     3.65143e+02
         3          4         25     1.00000e+00     1.21050e+06     2.76634e+02
         4          5         36     1.00000e+00     1.20843e+06     5.63210e+01
         5          6         47     1.00000e+00     1.20819e+06     1.51310e+01
         6          7         58     1.00000e+00     1.20815e+06     1.31426e+01
         7          8         69     1.00000e+00     1.20815e+06     1.05438e+01
         8          9         80     1.00000e+00     1.20815e+06     1.20435e+00
         9         10         91     1.00000e+00     1.20815e+06     7.22492e-01
        10         11        102     1.00000e+00     1.20815e+06     3.48033e-01
        11         12        113     1.00000e+00     1.20815e+06     2.94417e-01
        12         13        124     1.00000e+00     1.20815e+06     4.28418e-02
        13         14        135     1.00000e+00     1.20815e+06     2.75246e-02
        14         15        146     1.00000e+00     1.20815e+06     7.57646e-03
        15         16        156     1.00000e+00     1.20815e+06     1.16867e-02
        16         17        167     1.00000e+00     1.20815e+06     1.05576e-03
        17         18        178     1.00000e+00     1.20815e+06     7.62134e-04
        18         22        180     1.25000e-01     1.20815e+06     7.62130e-04
Step size below progTol

sparsityW =


rowSparsityW =


rankW =


Group L_{1,2}-Regularization

We now replace the L1-norm regularizer with the group-L1 regularizer, lambda*sum_g |W_g|_2, where in this case we will define the groups 'g' as the rows of the matrix (so each group penalizes an original input feature across the tasks)

% Non-Smooth part
groups = repmat([1:p]',1,k);
nGroups = p;
lambda = 5000*ones(nGroups,1);
funObj2 = @(w)groupL12regularizer(w,lambda,groups);

% Prox operator
funProx = @(w,alpha)groupSoftThreshold(w,alpha,lambda,groups);

% Optimize with QNST
fprintf('Optimizing with Group L1-regularization\n');
W(:) = minConf_QNST(funObj1,funObj2,W(:),funProx);

sparsityW = nnz(W)
rowSparsityW = nnz(sum(abs(W),2))
rankW = rank(W)
Optimizing with Group L1-regularization
 Iteration   FunEvals Projections     Step Length    Function Val
         1          2          3     6.21419e-07     2.18153e+06     6.32939e+00
         2          3         14     1.00000e+00     1.87914e+06     2.89786e+02
         3          4         25     1.00000e+00     1.87331e+06     1.67806e+02
         4          5         36     1.00000e+00     1.87231e+06     3.97104e+01
         5          6         47     1.00000e+00     1.87222e+06     1.21644e+01
         6          7         58     1.00000e+00     1.87221e+06     3.98087e+00
         7          8         69     1.00000e+00     1.87221e+06     1.27334e+00
         8          9         80     1.00000e+00     1.87221e+06     3.75560e-01
         9         10         91     1.00000e+00     1.87221e+06     2.72207e-01
        10         11        102     1.00000e+00     1.87221e+06     4.75585e-02
        11         12        113     1.00000e+00     1.87221e+06     1.88721e-02
        12         13        124     1.00000e+00     1.87221e+06     4.19713e-03
        13         14        133     1.00000e+00     1.87221e+06     1.03279e-03
        14         15        140     1.00000e+00     1.87221e+06     5.15932e-04
        15         21        144     3.12500e-02     1.87221e+06     5.01335e-04
        16         23        153     5.00000e-01     1.87221e+06     2.78746e-04
        17         27        155     1.25000e-01     1.87221e+06     2.78725e-04
Step size below progTol

sparsityW =


rowSparsityW =


rankW =


Group L_{1,inf}-Regularization

We now replacethe L2-norm in the group L1-regularizer by the infinity-norm

% Non-Smooth Part
lambda = 20000*ones(nGroups,1);
funObj2 = @(w)groupL1infregularizer(w,lambda,groups);

% Prox operator
funProx = @(w,alpha)groupInfSoftThreshold(w,alpha,lambda,groups);

% Optimize with QNST
fprintf('Optimizing with L1-regularization (inf-norm of groups)\n');
W(:) = minConf_QNST(funObj1,funObj2,W(:),funProx);

sparsityW = nnz(W)
rowSparsityW = nnz(sum(abs(W),2))
rankW = rank(W)
Optimizing with L1-regularization (inf-norm of groups)
 Iteration   FunEvals Projections     Step Length    Function Val
         1          2          3     4.64665e-07     2.29495e+06     2.14030e+02
         2          3         14     1.00000e+00     1.71497e+06     5.72119e+01
         3          4         25     1.00000e+00     1.71291e+06     2.44158e+01
         4          5         36     1.00000e+00     1.71259e+06     1.43311e+01
         5          6         47     1.00000e+00     1.71256e+06     6.34727e+00
         6          7         58     1.00000e+00     1.71256e+06     2.05939e+00
         7          8         69     1.00000e+00     1.71256e+06     9.31368e-01
         8          9         80     1.00000e+00     1.71256e+06     2.95674e-01
         9         10         91     1.00000e+00     1.71256e+06     8.64231e-02
        10         11        102     1.00000e+00     1.71256e+06     7.24820e-02
        11         12        113     1.00000e+00     1.71256e+06     9.37750e-03
        12         13        124     1.00000e+00     1.71256e+06     4.38607e-03
        13         14        135     1.00000e+00     1.71256e+06     1.35396e-03
        14         15        146     1.00000e+00     1.71256e+06     1.11289e-03
        15         16        156     1.00000e+00     1.71256e+06     1.29581e-04
        16         22        158     3.12500e-02     1.71256e+06     1.29580e-04
Step size below progTol

sparsityW =


rowSparsityW =


rankW =


Combined L1- and Group L1-Regularization

We now consider applying both the group L1-regularizer to select rows, and the regular L1-regularizer to select within the rows

% Non-Smooth Part
lambda1 = 500;
lambda2 = 5000*ones(nGroups,1);
funObj2 = @(w)lambda1*sum(abs(w)) + groupL12regularizer(w,lambda2,groups);

% Prox operator
funProx1 = @(w,alpha,lambda1)sign(w).*max(abs(w)-lambda1*alpha,0);
funProx = @(w,alpha)groupSoftThreshold(funProx1(w,alpha,lambda1),alpha,lambda2,groups);

% Optimize with QNST
fprintf('Optimizing with combined L1- and group L1-regularization\n');
W(:) = minConf_QNST(funObj1,funObj2,W(:),funProx);

sparsityW = nnz(W)
rowSparsityW = nnz(sum(abs(W),2))
rankW = rank(W)
Optimizing with combined L1- and group L1-regularization
 Iteration   FunEvals Projections     Step Length    Function Val
         1          2          3     6.05320e-07     2.89417e+06     2.91697e+00
         2          3         14     1.00000e+00     2.27797e+06     3.83235e+02
         3          4         25     1.00000e+00     2.27383e+06     1.64033e+02
         4          5         36     1.00000e+00     2.27348e+06     2.46806e+01
         5          6         47     1.00000e+00     2.27347e+06     4.04257e+00
         6          7         58     1.00000e+00     2.27347e+06     1.23466e+00
         7          8         69     1.00000e+00     2.27347e+06     2.85872e-01
         8          9         80     1.00000e+00     2.27347e+06     8.26774e-02
         9         10         91     1.00000e+00     2.27347e+06     1.57977e-02
        10         11        102     1.00000e+00     2.27347e+06     3.13227e-03
        11         12        111     1.00000e+00     2.27347e+06     8.00092e-04
        12         13        113     1.00000e+00     2.27347e+06     7.99920e-04
Step size below progTol

sparsityW =


rowSparsityW =


rankW =


Nuclear norm-regularization

% Non-Smooth Part
lambda = 1000;
toMat = @(w)reshape(w,p,k);
funObj2 = @(w)lambda*sum(svd(toMat(w)));

% Prox Operator
funProx = @(w,alpha)traceSoftThreshold(w,alpha,lambda,p,k);

% Optimize with QNST
fprintf('Optimizing with Nuclear norm-regularization\n');
W(:) = minConf_QNST(funObj1,funObj2,W(:),funProx);

sparsityW = nnz(W)
rowSparsityW = nnz(sum(abs(W),2))
rankW = rank(W)
Optimizing with Nuclear norm-regularization
 Iteration   FunEvals Projections     Step Length    Function Val
         1          2          3     3.37433e-07     1.51860e+06     2.80965e+03
         2          3         14     1.00000e+00     1.77268e+05     6.46726e+02
         3          4         25     1.00000e+00     1.42941e+05     2.87792e+02
         4          5         36     1.00000e+00     1.29280e+05     1.76148e+02
         5          6         47     1.00000e+00     1.27260e+05     1.01399e+02
         6          7         58     1.00000e+00     1.26250e+05     1.20974e+01
         7          8         69     1.00000e+00     1.26170e+05     6.51647e+00
         8          9         80     1.00000e+00     1.26113e+05     1.51745e+00
         9         11         91     5.00000e-01     1.26112e+05     1.43713e+00
        10         12        102     1.00000e+00     1.26111e+05     4.42353e-01
        11         13        113     1.00000e+00     1.26111e+05     5.31571e-02
        12         14        124     1.00000e+00     1.26111e+05     4.45863e-02
        13         15        135     1.00000e+00     1.26111e+05     6.07540e-02
        14         16        146     1.00000e+00     1.26111e+05     1.11414e-02
        15         17        157     1.00000e+00     1.26111e+05     4.53048e-03
        16         18        167     1.00000e+00     1.26111e+05     2.25357e-03
        17         19        177     1.00000e+00     1.26111e+05     1.69649e-03
        18         21        186     5.00000e-01     1.26111e+05     1.07237e-03
        19         22        194     1.00000e+00     1.26111e+05     2.12208e-04
        20         23        196     1.00000e+00     1.26111e+05     2.11143e-04
Function value changing by less than progTol

sparsityW =


rowSparsityW =


rankW =


Sparse plus low-rank

% Smooth Part
funObj1 = @(ww)SimultaneousSquaredError(ww,[X X],Y);

% Non-Smooth Part
lambda1 = 500;
lambdaT = 1000;
funObj2 = @(ww)lambda1*sum(abs(ww(1:end/2))) + lambdaT*sum(svd(toMat(ww(end/2+1:end))));

% Prox Operator
fprintf('Optimizing with an L1-regularized matrix plus a nuclear norm-regularized matrix\n');
funProx = @(ww,alpha)[funProx1(ww(1:end/2),alpha,lambda1);traceSoftThreshold(ww(end/2+1:end),alpha,lambdaT,p,k)];

% Optimize with QNST
WW = [W W];
WW(:) = minConf_QNST(funObj1,funObj2,WW(:),funProx);
W1 = WW(:,1:k);
W2 = WW(:,k+1:end);

imagesc([W1 W2]);
sparsityWW = [nnz(W1) nnz(W2)]
rowSparsityWW = [nnz(sum(abs(W1),2)) nnz(sum(abs(W2),2))]
rankWW = [rank(W1) rank(W2)]
Optimizing with an L1-regularized matrix plus a nuclear norm-regularized matrix
 Iteration   FunEvals Projections     Step Length    Function Val
         1          2          3     7.47806e-08     1.02239e+07     1.02872e+04
         2          3         14     1.00000e+00     1.60293e+06     1.19224e+03
         3          4         25     1.00000e+00     1.22249e+06     6.87262e+02
         4          5         36     1.00000e+00     9.03344e+05     3.12295e+02
         5          6         47     1.00000e+00     8.32055e+05     2.85429e+02
         6          7         58     1.00000e+00     8.06425e+05     2.84796e+02
         7          8         69     1.00000e+00     7.93099e+05     1.98060e+02
         8          9         80     1.00000e+00     7.87747e+05     1.18403e+02
         9         10         91     1.00000e+00     7.85998e+05     1.35948e+02
        10         11        102     1.00000e+00     7.84634e+05     2.19619e+02
        11         12        113     1.00000e+00     7.83355e+05     3.24916e+02
        12         13        124     1.00000e+00     7.81481e+05     2.94150e+02
        13         14        135     1.00000e+00     7.79444e+05     7.03009e+01
        14         15        146     1.00000e+00     7.77462e+05     7.38736e+01
        15         16        157     1.00000e+00     7.75583e+05     8.47324e+01
        16         17        168     1.00000e+00     7.73826e+05     8.51363e+01
        17         18        179     1.00000e+00     7.72077e+05     9.45061e+01
        18         19        190     1.00000e+00     7.70087e+05     9.26096e+01
        19         20        201     1.00000e+00     7.68388e+05     1.22484e+02
        20         21        212     1.00000e+00     7.67151e+05     9.23538e+01
        21         22        223     1.00000e+00     7.65928e+05     4.04646e+01
        22         23        234     1.00000e+00     7.64895e+05     1.02808e+01
        23         24        245     1.00000e+00     7.64092e+05     1.18743e+01
        24         25        256     1.00000e+00     7.63502e+05     1.08929e+01
        25         26        267     1.00000e+00     7.63202e+05     1.22638e+01
        26         27        278     1.00000e+00     7.63001e+05     1.21021e+01
        27         28        289     1.00000e+00     7.62805e+05     1.03173e+01
        28         29        300     1.00000e+00     7.62701e+05     3.39680e+00
        29         30        311     1.00000e+00     7.62627e+05     2.43321e+00
        30         31        322     1.00000e+00     7.62580e+05     1.71668e+00
        31         32        333     1.00000e+00     7.62537e+05     1.72409e+00
        32         33        344     1.00000e+00     7.62503e+05     1.45140e+00
        33         34        355     1.00000e+00     7.62481e+05     1.42317e+00
        34         35        366     1.00000e+00     7.62466e+05     1.94852e+00
        35         36        377     1.00000e+00     7.62455e+05     1.36560e+00
        36         37        388     1.00000e+00     7.62446e+05     6.64757e-01
        37         38        399     1.00000e+00     7.62442e+05     5.08786e-01
        38         39        410     1.00000e+00     7.62439e+05     5.18427e-01
        39         40        421     1.00000e+00     7.62437e+05     3.08529e-01
        40         41        432     1.00000e+00     7.62435e+05     1.57779e-01
        41         42        443     1.00000e+00     7.62434e+05     1.53342e-01
        42         43        454     1.00000e+00     7.62434e+05     1.09305e-01
        43         44        465     1.00000e+00     7.62433e+05     4.55714e-02
        44         45        476     1.00000e+00     7.62433e+05     4.58755e-02
        45         46        487     1.00000e+00     7.62433e+05     5.75640e-02
        46         47        498     1.00000e+00     7.62433e+05     3.34557e-02
        47         48        509     1.00000e+00     7.62433e+05     3.34345e-02
        48         49        520     1.00000e+00     7.62433e+05     3.42765e-02
        49         50        531     1.00000e+00     7.62433e+05     2.96381e-02
        50         51        542     1.00000e+00     7.62433e+05     2.00916e-02
        51         52        553     1.00000e+00     7.62433e+05     1.59632e-02
        52         53        564     1.00000e+00     7.62433e+05     1.85411e-02
        53         54        575     1.00000e+00     7.62433e+05     1.61407e-02
        54         55        586     1.00000e+00     7.62433e+05     1.06767e-02
        55         56        597     1.00000e+00     7.62433e+05     4.99576e-03
        56         57        608     1.00000e+00     7.62433e+05     3.10343e-03
        57         58        619     1.00000e+00     7.62433e+05     1.81558e-03
        58         59        630     1.00000e+00     7.62433e+05     1.50687e-03
        59         60        641     1.00000e+00     7.62433e+05     7.05088e-04
        60         61        651     1.00000e+00     7.62433e+05     1.23841e-03
        61         62        662     1.00000e+00     7.62433e+05     9.24279e-04
        62         63        673     1.00000e+00     7.62433e+05     4.23286e-04
        63         64        684     1.00000e+00     7.62433e+05     6.35501e-04
        64         65        695     1.00000e+00     7.62433e+05     6.34014e-04
        65         74        697     3.90625e-03     7.62433e+05     6.34013e-04
Step size below progTol

sparsityWW =

        2200        5000

rowSparsityWW =

    81   100

rankWW =

    43     6

Mark Schmidt > Software > thesis > Examples of using minConf_QNST