Mémoire : Note taking revolutionized

Landing Page of Mémoire, A Web Application for Note-taking

As a student, I use several mediums for taking and organizing notes. The reason being, any particular medium is not sufficient enough as it always lack one or the other functionality. Hence, I have to switch between mediums and multiple apps. We interviewed several students and teachers and received comments on similar lines. Through this project, we tried to compile most of the functionalities, that a student use for taking notes, in one web-application.

Mémoire is a note-taking web application developed as a Human-Computer Interaction course project following a user-centered design approach. We worked in a team of two over the course of semester and performed task-based user segmentation using Young’s model, created personas, developed low and high fidelity prototype, and conducted heuristic evaluation and usability testing. We also got familiar with the methods of A/B testing and counterbalancing.

The complete web application design was done in an iterative fashion. We updated the application based on the feedback from peer evaluation at multiple stages of the project. At the end of the semester, we got familiar with most of the fundamental methods and techniques of HCI. It was a great learning experience.

Hi! I am Preeti
Hi! I am Preeti
I am a PhD Student

I research affective haptics and its applications in facilitating emotion regulation.