
This course is designed to be a "breadth" introduction to artificial intelligence. It will make a broad coverage of modern AI. It is suitable for those with no AI background, or with only one undergraduate course in AI (or Machine Learning). It is designed for computer science students, but is also suitable for cognitive science or engineering students or those with some familiarity with algorithms, complexity, logic, and probability.



The following is the grading scheme that is subject to change:

We will accept assignments up to the time solutions to the assignment are posted, after which no credit will be given. The solution will not be posted before the due time.

Academic integrity is essential for a university to function. Plagiarism and cheating will be treated seriously. The work you hand in must be your own, except where you have explicitly cited the source. If in doubt, put other's words in quotations and cite the source. See UBC Regulation on Plagiarism.

Last updated 2013-09-02, David Poole