Some papers authored or coauthored by John E. Lloyd

All of these papers are available as PDF files.

Reality-based Modeling

Interactive Exploration of Remote Objects Using a Haptic-VR Interface (John E. Lloyd and Dinesh K. Pai, to be presented at the 2002 International Symposium on Experimental Robotics).

Telerobotics and Contact Programming

Programming Contact Tasks Using a Reality-based Virtual Environment Integrated with Vision (John E. Lloyd, Jeffrey S. Beis, Dinesh K. Pai, David G. Lowe; submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation).

Extracting Robotic Part-mating Programs from Operator Interaction (John E. Lloyd and Dinesh K. Pai; presented at ISER 1997).

Model-based Telerobotics with Vision John E. Lloyd, Jeffrey S. Beis, Dinesh K. Pai, David G. Lowe; presented at ICRA 1997).

Control of Robots at Kinematic Singularities

Desingularization of Non-Redundant Serial Manipulator Trajectories Using Puiseux Series (John E. Lloyd; published in the IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation).

Singularity-Robust Trajectory Generation (John E. Lloyd; to appear in the International Journal of Robotics Research).

Removing the Singularities of Serial Manipulators by Transforming the Workspace (John E. Lloyd; presented at ICRA 1998).

Generating Robust Trajectories in the Presence of Ordinary and Linear-Self-Motion Singularities (John E. Lloyd and Vincent Hayward; presented at ICRA 1998).

A Discrete Algorithm for Fixed-path Trajectory Generation at Kinematic Singularities (John E. Lloyd and Vincent Hayward; presented at ICRA 1996).

Trajectory Generation

Trajectory Generation for Sensor-Driven and Time-Varying Tasks (John E. Lloyd and Vincent Hayward; published in IJRR, August 1993).

Trajectory Generation in Multi-RCCL (John E. Lloyd and Vincent Hayward; published in the Journal of Robotic Systems, April 1993)

Trajectory Generation Implemented as a Non-linear Filter (John E. Lloyd; unpublished).

and some Golden Oldies ...

Real Time Control Under UNIX for RCCL (John E. Lloyd, Mike Parker, and Gaylord Holder; presented at ISRAM 1990).

Extending the RCCL Programming Environment to Multiple Robots and Processors (John E. Lloyd, Mike Parker, and Rick McClain; presented at ICRA 1988).

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