Package argparser

argparser is a package for parsing the command line arguments of a Java program; detailed documentation is supplied in the class documentation for ArgParser.


Class Summary
ArgParser ArgParser is used to parse the command line arguments for a java application program.
ArgParserTest Testing class for the class ArgParser.
BooleanHolder Wrapper class which ``holds'' a boolean value, enabling methods to return boolean values through arguments.
CharHolder Wrapper class which ``holds'' a character value, enabling methods to return character values through arguments.
DoubleHolder Wrapper class which ``holds'' a double value, enabling methods to return double values through arguments.
FloatHolder Wrapper class which ``holds'' a float value, enabling methods to return float values through arguments.
IntHolder Wrapper class which ``holds'' an integer value, enabling methods to return integer values through arguments.
LongHolder Wrapper class which ``holds'' a long value, enabling methods to return long values through arguments.
ObjectHolder Wrapper class which ``holds'' an Object reference, enabling methods to return Object references through arguments.
SimpleExample Gives a very simple example of the use of ArgParser.
StringHolder Wrapper class which ``holds'' a String reference, enabling methods to return String references through arguments.

Exception Summary
ArgParseException Exception class used by ArgParser when command line arguments contain an error.

Package argparser Description

argparser is a package for parsing the command line arguments of a Java program; detailed documentation is supplied in the class documentation for ArgParser.