Cheat-Proof Playout for Centralized and Distributed Online Games

by Nathaniel E. Baughman and Brian Neil Levine
In Proceedings IEEE InfoCom, pages 104 - 113, 2001
Paper: (ps) CiteSeer

Presented by Georg Wittenburg on March 24, 2004 as part of 538A (201): Topics in Computer Systems.
Slides: (ppt) (pdf)


The paper "Cheat-Proof Playout for Centralized and Distributed Online Games" was written by Nathaniel E. Baughman and Brian Neil Levine and published in the Proceedings of IEEE InfoCom in 2001. Nathaniel E. Baughman was presumably working as a post-graduate student with newly appointed Prof. Brian Neil Levine at the University of Massachusetts. It is unknown to the author what Nathaniel E. Baughman did after writing this paper; Brian Neil Levine has continued to publish papers, although not directly related to the one that is topic of this summary.


The paper deals with attacks and other potential weaknesses of online games. The aim is to offer a formalization of these attacks, suggest counter-measures, and assess their implications on the performance of a game. Games are generally classified as falling into one of the following areas, depending on the underlying architecture chosen to control gameplay and data storage:

Game Architectures

The paper then goes on to discuss security relevant weaknesses in detail:

Of the four attacks / weaknesses discussed, the main focus of the paper is on the lockstep protocol. The paper contains a proof of correctness and a performance analysis based on an implementation in an online multi-player game. The other points are handled with less emphasis.

The paper falls a bit short of its initial claim to propose a protocol that has provable anti-cheating guarantees. The authors rather model online games, and list a set of possible weaknesses to some of which they also propose a solution. The structure of the paper is slightly confusing.


Other interesting questions that were not addresses due to time constraints are: Is the definition of cheating and fairness adequate? What kind of attacks should the defense architecture concentrate on? Is there a more general classification for attacks? How much overhead are players willing to accept for additional security?

Further Reading

Georg Wittenburg - March 30, 2004

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