Math 200, Section 107

This page concerns Math 200, Section 107, for Winter 2015 Term 1 (i.e., Fall 2015). The dates of exams, once announced, will not change; all other dates, homeworks, etc. are subject to change.

Here is the Math 200 webpage common to all sections.

Materials here may contain errors; some corrections might only be announced in class.

Midterm Dates The midterms for the course are given during class hours on: Tuesday, October 6 and Tuesday, November 10. Location: to be announced.
Office Hours Office hours: 12-2pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays, in LSK Building room 300C.
Homework and Everything Else Homework, a rough blog, material coverage, and the formula sheet will follow that of Section 102. Note that the homework due dates are those given for the TuTh sections. The rough blog will be timed slightly differently for this section.

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