Song Information
Song Artist(s):Bran Van 3000 Featuring Jean Leloup
Song Title:Dare I Say

Album Information

Track Classification
Genre:Rock 2000s
MusicBrainz Genre:Rock/Electronica

20 sec. sample

Original Source:LyricWiki
Hey Job
You sure got it figured out
She loves you so
At least that's what she said
And God took a toll
And showed you what it's all about
Oh, hey Job
You always do what you're told
You poor young fool
You should never listen
To what they preach
To keep you on a mission of hate
And, dare I say
Your brother's got a big mouth
And dare I say
So what

Do what you want
And make the fuckers pay
And don't waste your time
And sleep your life away
I always meant to tell you
I don't like you anyway
And dare I say
Dare I say

Quand arrive minuit et que la lune est belle
On voit alors dans le ciel arriver les morts-vivants
Ils sont v�tus de vieux oripeaux de mis�reux
Us�s par le temps et bris�s par les ans

On les accueille avec joie:
Ils sont notre esp�rance,
Notre raison de vivre,
Notre source seule de jouissance...
Dis-moi, toi qui semblait avoir mille ans,
Raconte-moi comment c'est dans le ciel, comment...
Raconte-moi si les �toiles sont d'or
Raconte-moi, raconte-moi comment...

Do what you want
And make the fuckers pay
And don't waste your time
And sleep your life away
I always meant to tell you
I don't like you anyway
And dare I say
Dare I say

Ce n'est rien de tout cela
Fais comme "J'suis juste endormi
dans les bras d'une belle amie"
Tu te laisserais bercer
Comme un enfant nouveau-n�
En pensant � ta t�t�e
En pensant � ta t�t�e

Do what you want
And make the fuckers pay
Boys and girls are different
In a certain kind of way
I always meant to tell you
That I wished you'd go away
And dare I say
Dare I say

Do what you want
And make the fuckers pay
And don't waste your time
And sleep your life away
I always meant to tell you
I don't like you anyway
And dare I say
Dare I say

Track Information
Published Time:3:59
Measured Time:3:59
Traktor Peak dB:-0.658
Traktor Perceived dB:-1.591

Mix Information
Mixmeister BPM:111.2
Traktor BPM: 166.8 (100.0%)
Mixmeister Key:C#m

External Cross-Referencing
MusicBrainz PUID:e01421ac-035f-f4e1-3c93-e49f0659c0f1

MusicBrainz MusicDNS
Song Artist:Bran Van 3000
Song Title:Dare I Say
First Release Year:2001

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