Assignment 4

416 Distributed Systems: Assignment 4 [Caching for distributed PoW]

Due: March 14 at 11:59pm PST

Winter 2021

Results from a (distributed) computation may be cached to eliminate redundant computation in the future. Caching is a standard optimization technique in distributed systems and you will use caching to enrich your PoW implementation. In this assignment you will add a distributed caching mechanism to your distributed PoW system in A3. The workers and the coordinator will cache previously computed secrets. The coordinator will return a cached result to clients if a cached result is available.

Changes since @382, initial assignment release

Last Modified: Thu 11 Mar 2021 15:55:35 PST

  • @450, @451 WorkerCancel should be repeated per related Found RPC, not at-most-once per WorkerMine, as previously suggested.
  • @442 Corrected the one-worker diagram to have the correct CacheHit and CacheMiss actions at the coordinator; added two clarifying notes to the diagram.
  • @411 Corrected CoordinatorWorkerCancel spec: it should appear once per (WorkerByte, secret) tuple.
  • @405 Updated the two diagrams with Found/Result concurrency to include b1sec1 return to powlib from coordinator at end of the coordinator timeline, after all the relevant coordinator/worker actions. This illustrates that All other coordinator and worker actions in this trace must happen before CoordinatorSuccess.
  • @404 Updated all RPC calls to include a tracing token as part of the returned value, and expanded on the distributed tracing section to illustrate how to generate two tokens: at the caller (for token argument to RPC) and at the callee (for token return value from an RPC).
  • @403 go.mod update for latest version of tracing lib (v0.0.0-20210307092023-9172fa1dd33e)
  • @398 fixed diagram typo
  • @395_f1 removed old text related to coordinator creating tracing


This assignment's objective is to introduce you to distributed (cache) state and protocols for managing this state. You will learn:

  • How to use distributed tracing
  • How to reason about eventual consistency semantics of distributed state

By using independent processes that communicate over the network, your system may now experience partial failures. For example, one process may crash, or the machine it is running on may be powered off, while other processes in the system will continue to execute as usual. This assignment is a stepping stone towards recovering from such failures. A feature of distributed caching is that caches can be used to speed up recovery and help nodes reconstruct their state after a failure. However, you will not deal with failures in this assignment. We leave it to you as an exercise to consider how you might go about building such a protocol.

You will retain most of the features of A3: node roles, powlib API, distribution of the computation across workers, and many constraints like the order in which nodes are started. A4 does, however, introduce several important changes: coordinator RPC APIs will be changed, worker RPC APIs will be changed, of course A4 introduces caches and caching semantics, the recorded actions will be expanded, and finally we'll add distributed causal tracing. Distributed tracing will, in fact, be the reason for most of the API changes.

Distributed tracing

We begin with a description of distributed tracing because this will be a powerful new tool in your debugging toolbox. You will also use distributed tracing in A5 and A6, so it's a good idea to understand it well.

So far we have been relying on the tracing library to record actions at nodes in our system. These actions were associated with one another through concrete values (e.g., workerBytes) that they sometimes included. Distributed tracing, which is now available in the same tracing library, introduces two new features: (1) the notion of a trace with which recorded actions are associated, and (2) vector clock timestamps to track the happens-before relationship (if any) between actions across nodes. These two features require a different API and a slightly different way of thinking about tracing in your system.

A trace is a set of recorded actions that are associated with a unique trace ID. Previously, your code could record actions at any point in time. With traces, actions must be recorded as part of traces. So, you must now first get access to a trace and then you can record an action (Trace.RecordAction(action)). There are two ways in which your code can get access to a trace instance: (1) create a new trace with a unique ID, and (2) receive an existing trace from another node.

In A4 traces will be created by powlib (Tracer.CreateTrace()). The powlib library will generate a new trace for each client API call that it receives. The intent is to associate all the actions that are related to servicing a particular client call (across all the nodes) with a single unique trace.

Once a trace is created at a powlib instance, if another node wants to associate actions with this trace, then the node must gain access to the trace instance. For this, a trace must be serialized into a token, which can be sent to another node, at which point the receiving node can reconstruct the trace instance from the token. You will typically serialize a trace multiple times since every token must be unique and a trace created by powlib will span several nodes. More concretely, to generate the token from the current trace your code would call Trace.GenerateToken(), which will return a token. Your code can then include this token as an argument in an RPC invocation (one reason why the RPC APIs must be updated in A4). On receiving an RPC with a token, the node can reconstruct the trace by calling Tracer.ReceiveToken(token) on the received token. Note that this token generation/receipt must be done for every RPC invocation; think of it as an addition to the RPC protocol that you now have to follow.

For a detailed description of the distributed tracing API, please see the go doc documentation for the tracing library.

End-to-end example of distributed tracing + ShiViz

A key feature of distributed tracing is that now all actions include not just physical timestamps but also vector clock timestamps. These vector clocks timestamps allow us to reconstruct the happens-before relation between recorded actions. This relation will look like a DAG with vertices associated with different nodes in your system. The tracing library's output supports a visualization tool, called ShiViz, that you can use to visualize the recorded DAG of events.

Let's consider a simple example. This example consists of a client and a server. The client invokes an RPC on the server and then the server returns the response to the client. You can find the implementation here. This implementation also illustrates how to use the distributed tracing API described above. To run this example, you can run go run main.go from the example/client-server directory.

Notice the use of distributed tracing in main.go of the above example. The caller generates a token, passes it to the GetName RPC function as part of the Args struct. The callee runs GetName RPC and in the line just before returning generates a return token (ret-token in the RPC specs below) and returns this token as part of its return value in the Reply struct. The two tokens, one in the forward direction and one in return direction, allows us to reconstruct the happens-before partial ordering of the distributed execution. The diagram below illustrates this in more detail:

shiviz example

The updated tracing server also generates a ShiViz-compatible log that can be used with ShiViz to visualize the execution of the system. This log file is defined in the tracing server configuration file as ShivizOutputFile, which has the "shiviz_output.log" value by default.

We can upload the generated ShiViz log, i.e., shiviz_output.log, to the ShiViz online tool. For this, click on the blue "Try out shiviz" button and select a file to upload, choosing your local shiviz_output.log file. You should then see the following diagram that you can interact with:

shiviz example

Caching proof-of-work results

The coordinator and all workers in A4 will have a local cache. This cache can be modelled as a dictionary that maps keys to values. Initially the cache is empty. As the system runs, the cache grows. A real cache needs a size limit, but in this assignment we will assume that a cache can grow indefinitely.

Below is a diagram that illustrates how your A4 system will operate with one worker and several client requests. The cylinders in the diagram are caches at the coordinator and the worker. A cylinder has a version, like V0 at the start. These version numbers are used in the diagrams below for explanatory purposes. You do not need to use these in your A4 implementation, and we recommend that you avoid explicitly versioning cache contents. The caches in the diagrams may also have some contents, either empty {} or some number of key:value pairs like {n1,t : bsec1} which maps the key (n1,t) to the secret bsec1. More precisely, the key (n1,t) represents a nonce n1 and t trailing zeroes while bsec1 represents the corresponding secret. Note that the cache does not explicitly keep track of worker bytes: any worker bytes b that were used by a worker to compute the secret sec1 must be stored as a prefix of the value bsec1 in the cache.

caching with one worker

A couple of key aspects to note about the above execution/diagram:

  • In A3 we explicitly disallowed powlib instances from issuing an RPC Mine(n,t) multiple times. This is no longer true. Instead, we weaken the constraint to the following: powlib instances cannot issue two instances of Mine(n,t) concurrently. In other words, Mine(n,t) can only ever be issued if another Mine(n,t) is not currently issued and blocking on a result at the coordinator.
  • The cache is updated at the worker when the worker computes a proof of work. Likewise, the cache is updated at the coordinator when the coordinator receives a proof of work result from a worker. Note that with more workers the semantics of cache updates get more complex (more on this below).
  • Notice how the cache is first updated at the worker and then later at the coordinator. Also notice that eventually the cache at the coordinator becomes identical to that of the worker. This is not a coincidence: the caches in A4 will have eventually consistency semantics (technically the cache is a CRDT).
  • There is a notion of a cache hit and a cache miss. If there is a cache hit, then no proof of work computation is done. Note that if the cache contains {n1,t : bsec1} then there will be a cache hit for key (n1,t-1) (e.g., client request #4 in the diagram).
  • A cached entry for key (n1,t) must be removed from the cache when an entry for key (n1,t+1) is added. This is a natural outcome of the above bullet (i.e., (n1,t+1) subsumes (n1,j) for any j < t+1).
  • For clarity, the diagram omits actions and distributed tracing details. For example, all the RPCs listed below include a tracing token as an input, and also return a tracing token as part of the returned value.

As we add more workers, we have to consider the state of more caches. The diagram below illustrates what happens with two workers in the case that worker1 computes the proof of work before worker2.

caching with two workers

The above execution illustrates the following:

  • There is no longer a Cancel RPC. Instead, there is a new RPC called Found. This call has similar behavior to Cancel in A3: the worker should cancel its local proof of work computation for (n,t,b) when it receives a Found(n,t,b1sec) RPC. But, the Found is also a way for the coordinator to update the cache at the worker, so unlike a Cancel RPC, a Found carries with it the secret (b1sec1 above).
  • Notice that Found(n,t,b1sec1) sent to worker1 is redundant since worker1 already has its cache updated to include this information (and the coordinator knows this fact). For this reason the first diagram above omits these Found messages. It is a small optimization that you can introduce in your A4 solution, if you wish.
  • As in the first diagram, notice that the caches across the three nodes eventually have identical contents: {n,t : b1sec1}.

In the above two worker execution scenario, worker1 beats out worker2 in finding the secret faster. But, what if worker1 and worker2 both found the secret at about the same time? The diagram below illustrates this case:

caching with two concurrent workers

This execution illustrates the following:

  • There are two independent secrets computed for (n,t). A cache, however, can only have one entry for a key. We therefore define a tie breaking rule to resolve which of the two secrets will be associated with a key. We say that sec1 dominates sec2 if sec1 is larger than sec2 at the byte level.

    For examples,

    • []uint8{ 192, 168, 1, 1 } dominates []uint8{ 1, 168, 1, 2 },
      because 192 is larger than 1 (compares from left to right)
    • []uint8{ 192, 168, 1, 1 } dominates []uint8{ 1, 168, 1, 1, 1 },
      because 192 is larger than 1 again (even if the latter secret is longer)
    • []uint8{ 192, 168, 1, 1 } dominates []uint8{ 192, 168, 1 },
      because the first three bytes are the same and the latter secret is shorter (this case will never appear in this assignment, exercise to reader: why not?)

    You may find bytes.Compare helpful in implementing the above logic.

    In the above execution, because b2sec2 dominates b1sec1, worker2 does not change its cached entry, while both the coordinator and worker1 do update their cached entries for (n,t) to be b2sec2.

  • The client receives b1sec1 as the computed proof of work secret. However, notice that this is different from b2sec2, which is the secret that is eventually cached by all three nodes. This means that future clients will observe b2sec2 (i.e., through a cache hit) rather than b1sec1.

powlib API

powlib overview

The powlib API is identical to A3. The key difference is that the powlib Mine API call must create a new distributed trace instance using Tracer.CreateTrace(). This is the only place where new distributed traces should be created.

RPC specifications sketch

Below we outline two RPC protocols that we recommend that you implement in your system. These are similar to A3, and differ in the distributed tracing tokens that are added to every RPC definition (as an argument, and also as a return value), and a Found RPC instead of the Cancel RPC. We bold the parts below where we have introduced changes. These protocols are strongly suggested. You may deviate as you wish (though, please talk to us first). You must, however, use Go RPCs for all inter-process communication in your system.

RPCs powlib → Coordinator:

  • secret []uint8, ret-token TracingTokenMine(nonce []uint8, numTrailingZeroes uint, token TracingToken)
    • This is a blocking RPC from powlib instructing the coordinator to solve a specific pow instance. The token corresponds to a trace generated by powlib for a client Mine call invocation. The ret-token is the returned token that was generated by the callee just before the RPC returned.
RPCs Coordinator → Worker:
  • ret-token TracingTokenMine(nonce []uint8, numTrailingZeroes, workerByte uint8, token TracingToken)
    • This is a non-blocking async RPC from the coordinator instructing the worker to solve a specific pow instance. The token corresponds to a trace generated by powlib for a client Mine call invocation. The ret-token is the returned token that was generated by the callee just before the RPC returned.
  • ret-token TracingTokenFound(nonce []uint8, numTrailingZeroes, secret []uint8, token TracingToken)
    • This is a non-blocking async RPC from the coordinator instructing the worker to stop solving a specific pow instance. This call replaces Cancel in A3. Note that unlike Cancel, this call does not include workerBytes. Instead, secret must include a workerBytes prefix corresponding to the worker that originally computed this secret. The token corresponds to a trace generated by powlib for a client Mine call invocation that spawned the pow computation. The ret-token is the returned token that was generated by the callee just before the RPC returned.
RPCs Coordinator ← Worker:
  • ret-token TracingTokenResult(nonce []uint8, numTrailingZeroes, workerByte uint8, secret []uint8, token TracingToken)
    • This is an RPC from the worker that sends the solution to some previous pow instance assignment back to the coordinator. The token corresponds to a trace generated by powlib for a client Mine call invocation that spawned this pow computation. The ret-token is the returned token that was generated by the callee just before the RPC returned.

Concurrency semantics. The concurrency semantics are identical to A3, except the following:

  • You must use caching in your solution. Furthermore, as noted earlier, powlib instances cannot issue two instances of Mine(n,t) and Mine(n,t') concurrently. That is, there will be no concurrency between Mine instances that have the same nonce. But, Mine(n,t) can be issued if another Mine(n,t) is not currently issued and blocking on a result. (This is different from A3, which disallowed caching and required that mining RPC invocation received by the coordinator from the powlib were distinct and unique for the entirety of the system execution).

Distributed tracing semantics

All actions that you record in this assignment will be part of distributed tracing. This means you need to use the new trace-based API for recording actions: Trace.RecordAction(action). Note that the A3 solution that we will release to you will need to be updated to use this style of distributed tracing (this is part of the assignment). The set of non-cache related actions you must record are the same as in A3. A key new aspect, however, is that these actions must be recorded as part of the respective trace that they are referencing. For example, the PowlibMine action must now be recorded as part of corresponding trace that was created for the respective client Mine request. You should take special care to make sure that actions you record at the coordinator and the workers are associated with the correct traces. Another thing to keep in mind is that all ordering constraints within a trace are now evaluated according to the happens before relation (i.e., using vector clocks), not physical clock timestamps.

    Actions to be recorded by the powlib:
  • PowlibMiningBegin{Nonce, NumTrailingZeros} signifies the start of mining. Every distributed trace must contain this action exactly once, before any other action.
  • PowlibMine{Nonce, NumTrailingZeros}; powlib should record this action just before sending the mining request to the coordinator. Every distributed trace must contain this action exactly once, before either of the corresponding PowlibSuccess and PowlibMiningComplete.
  • PowlibSuccess{Nonce, NumTrailingZeros, Secret}; powlib should record this action just after receiving the mining result from the coordinator. This should appear exactly once in a distributed trace, before PowlibMiningComplete.
  • PowlibMiningComplete{Nonce, NumTrailingZeros, Secret} signifies the end of mining. This should appear exactly once in a distributed trace. Powlib should record this action after receiving the result from the coordinator and it should record the received secret as part of this action. Powlib should record this action before sending the result to notify-channel.
    Actions to be recorded by the coordinator:
  • CoordinatorMine{Nonce, NumTrailingZeros} indicates that the coordinator has just received a mining request from a client. This should appear exactly once in a distributed trace, before any of the related coordinator or worker actions.
  • CoordinatorWorkerMine{Nonce, NumTrailingZeros, WorkerByte}; the coordinator should record this action just before sending a mining request to a worker. This should appear once per WorkerByte in a distributed trace.
  • CoordinatorWorkerResult{Nonce, NumTrailingZeros, WorkerByte, Secret}; the coordinator should record this action just after receiving a mining result from a worker. This should appear at most once per WorkerByte in a distributed trace. If it is absent, a corresponding CoordinatorWorkerCancel should be present in the same distributed trace.
  • CoordinatorWorkerCancel{Nonce, NumTrailingZeros, WorkerByte}; the coordinator should record this action just before sending a Found RPC to the worker (which should cancel the worker's corresponding job). This should appear at most once per (WorkerByte, secret) tuple, where secret corresponds to a discovered pow secret that was found and reported earlier (via happens-before) with a WorkerResult action in the same distributed trace. If a CoordinatorWorkerCancel is absent, a corresponding CoordinatorWorkerResult should be present in the same distributed trace.
  • CoordinatorSuccess{Nonce, NumTrailingZeros, Secret}; the coordinator should record this action just before sending the mining result to the client. This should appear exactly once in a distributed trace. All other coordinator and worker actions in this trace must happen before this action. (Notice that this is a strong ordering condition that prevents any concurrent actions at the workers in the same trace).
    Actions to be recorded by the workers:
  • WorkerMine{Nonce, NumTrailingZeros, WorkerByte} indicates that a given worker with a unique WorkerByte has started searching for the secret. Every worker must report this exactly once in a in a distributed trace, before any other actions that worker might record in the same trace. This should appear exactly once per worker in a distributed trace, and should precede any other relevant actions.
  • WorkerResult{Nonce, NumTrailingZeros, WorkerByte, Secret} indicates that the worker with WorkerByte has found a secret, and will send this secret to the coordinator. Let t be a distributed trace in which the worker received a WorkerMine with WorkerByte. Then, t must record at most one instance of WorkerResult with that WorkerByte. If no WorkerResult is present for that WorkerByte, then at least one instance of WorkerCancel must be recorded with that WorkerByte, corresponding to the same number (at least one) of the Found RPC being received due to one or more workers finding a result first. If WorkerResult is present, then 0 or more WorkerCancel may occur, again corresponding to the (0 or more) Found RPCs that may be received in that case.
  • WorkerCancel{Nonce, NumTrailingZeros, WorkerByte} indicates that the worker with WorkerByte received a Found RPC. This worker should terminate the related mining job. (Note that the above WorkerResult description constrains when WorkerCancel actions may be recorded).

caching-related actions

    Caching actions recorded by the coordinator and workers (see figure above):

    An interesting feature of caching actions is that their temporal ordering requirements (below) sometimes implicate a single trace (within trace constraints) and sometime implicate multiple traces (between trace constraints).

  • CacheAdd{Nonce, NumTrailingZeros, Secret} indicates that a cache entry {Nonce,NumTrailingZeros : Secret} was added to the node's cache and that this entry was not already in the cache.
    • CacheAdd-causing PowlibMine is present: This action can only appear if there exists a corresponding recorded PowlibMine{Nonce, NumTrailingZeros} action, such that this PowlibMine action happened before this CacheAdd action in the same trace (in terms of vector clocks associated with actions).
    • CacheAdd only after a computed pow: This action can only appear if there exists a corresponding recorded WorkerResult{Nonce, NumTrailingZeros, WorkerByte, Secret} action, such that this WorkerResult action happened before this CacheAdd action.
    • After CacheAdd, future accesses generate hits: All cache queries for key (Nonce, NumTrailingZeros) in the same trace or in traces that might be created after the trace that contains this CacheAdd action, but before a corresponding CacheRemove action has been recorded, should record a CacheHit action and return Secret as the value for the key.
  • CacheRemove{Nonce, NumTrailingZeros, Secret} indicates that a cache entry {Nonce,NumTrailingZeros : Secret} was in the cache and that it has been removed.
    • Cannot CacheRemove what has not been added: This action can only appear if there exists a previously recorded and corresponding CacheAdd action, either in this distributed trace or in a trace that has been created before this trace.
    • CacheRemove only after a computed, dominating, pow: This action can only appear if there exists a recorded WorkerResult{Nonce, T, Secret} action with T > NumTrailingZeros, such that this WorkerResult action happens before this CacheRemove action.
    • After CacheRemove, future accesses generate misses: All cache queries for key (Nonce, NumTrailingZeros) in the same trace, or in traces that are created after the trace that contains this CacheRemove action, after this CacheRemove action has been recorded, but do not contain a dominating CacheAdd, should record a corresponding CacheMiss action.
  • CacheHit{Nonce, NumTrailingZeros, Secret} indicates that there was a cache hit for the key Nonce,NumTrailingZeros.
    • CacheHit-causing PowlibMine is present: This action can only appear if there exists a recorded PowlibMine{Nonce, NumTrailingZeros} action, such that this PowlibMine action happened before this CacheHit action in the same trace.
    • No spurious hits: This action can only appear if the cache is queried for a key (Nonce, NumTrailingZeros) and the cache currently contains the entry {Nonce, NumTrailingZeros' : Secret}, such that NumTrailingZeros' >= NumTrailingZeros.
    • Only hit on keys that have been added: This action can only appear if there exists a trace t, that is either this trace or a trace that was created before this trace, and t contains a CacheAdd{Nonce, NumTrailingZeros', Secret} action, such that NumTrailingZeros' >= NumTrailingZeros . If this CacheAdd action is in the same trace, then it must have happened before the recorded CacheHit.
  • CacheMiss{Nonce, NumTrailingZeros} indicates that there was a cache miss for the key Nonce,NumTrailingZeros.
    • CacheMiss-causing PowlibMine is present: This action can only appear if there exists a corresponding recorded PowlibMine{Nonce, NumTrailingZeros} action, such that this PowlibMine action happened before this CacheMiss action in the same trace.
    • No spurious misses: This action should only be recorded if the cache is queried for key (Nonce, NumTrailingZeros) and the cache does not currently contain this key or any key (Nonce, NumTrailingZeros'), such that NumTrailingZeros' >= NumTrailingZeros.
    • Only miss on keys that have not yet been added: This action should only be recorded if no CacheAdd{Nonce, NumTrailingZeros', Secret} action has been previously recorded with NumTrailingZeros' >= NumTrailingZeros, either in the same trace, or in a trace that was created before the trace that contains this CacheMiss action.
Combining the new caching actions with the above scenario with two concurrent workers, we get the following new diagram. The caching actions in this diagram are minimal (assuming no Found message quenching optimization mentioned above). Your solution, however, may introduce more caching actions than the ones that appear below (as long as they conform to the above constraints).

caching-related actions in two concurrent workers scenario

Assumptions you can and cannot make

Identical to A3.

Implementation notes

Take a look at A3 implementation notes, as many of those carry over.

In this assignment, you need to use the latest version of the tracing library. To do this, run the following command from your project base directory:
go get -u -v
You should then see the following line in your go.mod file: v0.0.0-20210307092023-9172fa1dd33e

The A3 solution that you can build on in A4 will be released as part of the starter code in your A4 repositories.

The starter code contains the file cache.go, which defines the cache-related action types that you should record in your implementation.

Note that the easiest way to achieve correct caching semantics is to use a lock for the cache data structure. Once this lock is acquired, the cache action can be recorded. This approach provides atomicity between performing a cache operation (add/remove/access) and the logging of the corresponding cache action.


We will release some smoke tests for you to test your tracing log files. As before, we recommend that you test your system across a variety of deployments. One of the best ways to test your system is to use the tracing output and assert that events are occurring in the expected order.

Implementation requirements

Identical to A3.

Handin instructions

As with previous assignments, you will use your personal repository for this assignment under the CPSC416-2020W-T2 org. Your repository will look like cpsc416_a4_USERNAME.

We will make the starter code available as part of your handin repository. Keep the provided file layout at the top-level in your solution. You may include additional files, but we do not expect this will be necessary. Do not reference any additional libraries in your solution.

Rough grading scheme

Your code must not change the powlib API, tracing structs and applications' configurations and command-line arguments. Your code must work on ugrad servers. If any of these are violated, your mark for this assignment is 0. This is true regardless of how many characters had to be changed to make your solution compile, and regardless of how well your solution works with a different API or on a different machine.

The high-level A3 mark breakdown looks like this:

  • 10% : All A3 (distributed tracing) action semantics are satisfied
  • 10% : Node caches provide eventual consistency semantics: after powlib Mine requests stop, the caches across coordinator and all workers must eventually contain identical entries.
  • 20% : CacheAdd semantics are satisfied
    • 6% : CacheAdd-causing PowlibMine is present
    • 7% : CacheAdd only after a computed pow
    • 7% : After CacheAdd, future accesses generate hits
  • 20% : CacheRemove semantics are satisfied
    • 6% : Cannot CacheRemove what has not been added
    • 7% : CacheRemove only after a computed, dominating, pow
    • 7% : After CacheRemove, future accesses generate misses
  • 20% : CacheHit semantics are satisfied
    • 6% : CacheHit-causing PowlibMine is present
    • 7% : No spurious hits
    • 7% : Only hit on keys that have been added
  • 20% : CacheMiss semantics are satisfied
    • 6% : CacheMiss-causing PowlibMine is present
    • 7% : No spurious misses
    • 7% : Only miss on keys that have not yet been added
Please make sure that your code is structured according to our instructions. We will deduct 10% if we have to move, rename, or edit files in your repository to make your project work with our autograding scripts.

Make sure to follow the course collaboration policy and refer to the submission instructions that detail how to submit your solution.