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Name: Joyce Cheung Email: joycewcheung #64; Company Name: Company URL: Country: Canada Comment: My Links...
Name: Chandni Navani Email: f4n6 #64; Company Name: Company URL: Country: Canada Comment: My Links...
Name: Peter Cheung Email: peter.cheung.jr #64; Company Name: University of British Columbia Company URL: University of British...
Name: Ivy Tsai Email: m6g5 #64; Company Name: Company URL: Country: Canada Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest...
Name: Grace Cheng Email: u2r6 #64; Company Name: University of British Columbia Company URL: University of British Columbia...
Name: Jennifer Weng Email: j2h6 #64; Company Name: Company URL: Country: Canada Comment: My Links...
Name: Gong Cheng Email: u2r6 #64;ugradDELETEthisTEXT.cs.ubc Company Name: University of British Columbia Company URL: University of British Columbia...
Name: Benjamin Cecchetto Login Name: bentc Email: bentc #64; Phone: Department: Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest...
Name: Asumu Takikawa Login Name: asumu Email: asumu #64; Phone: Department: Comment: An undergraduate working on...
Name: Tin Yin Lam Login Name: natural Email: natural #64; Phone: Department: Computer Science Comment: My Links...
Name: Sandra Redekop Login Name: sredekop Email: sredekop #64; Phone: 604 822 5237 Department: CPSC Comment: Moyra...
Name: Brian Pidcock Email: brian pidcock #64; Company Name: BCIT Company URL: Country: Canada...
Name: Vivian Leung Login Name: vwkleung Email: vwkleung #64; Phone: 2 3264 Department: Computer Science Comment:...
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Name: Zohreh Jabbari Login Name: zohreh Email: zohreh #64; Phone: Department: Computer Science Comment: My Links...
Name: Michael Friedlander Login Name: mpf Email: mpf #64; Phone: Department: Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest...
Name: Solmaz Kolahi Login Name: solmaz Email: solmaz #64; Phone: Department: Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest...
Name: Andrew Warfield Login Name: andy Email: andy #64; Phone: Department: Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest...
Name: Alan J. Hu Login Name: ajh Email: ajh #64; Phone: 2 6667 Department: CS Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest...
Name: Mark Greenstreet Login Name: mrg Email: mrg #64; Phone: 2 3065 Department: Computer Science Comment: My Links...
Name: cristina conati Login Name: conati Email: conati #64; Phone: Department: University of British Columbia, Computer...
Name: Andrew Cherry Login Name: acherry1 Email: andrew404 #64; Phone: 604 763 6191 Department: DB lab Comment: My...
Name: Tomas Hofmann Login Name: tomash Email: ftumsh83 #64; Phone: Department: Computer Science Comment: My Links...
Name: Sean Sutherland Login Name: ssuther Email: ssuther #64; Phone: Department: Location: Comment: My Links...
Name: Shaofeng Bu Login Name: sfbu Email: sfbu #64; Phone: 6048273984 Department: Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest...
Name: Jen Fernquist Login Name: adara Email: adara #64; Phone: Department: Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest...
Name: William Chao Login Name: wochao Email: wochao #64; Phone: Department: Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest...
Name: Chirag Vesuvala Email: cxv #64; Company Name: SFU Company URL: Country: Canada Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest...
Name: Essex Edwards Login Name: essex Email: essex #64; Phone: Department: Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest...
Name: Kyle Porter Login Name: kporter Email: daydreamers #64; Phone: Department: Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest...
Name: Albert Xin Jiang Login Name: jiang Email: jiang #64; Phone: Department: Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest...
Name: Brian Fisher Login Name: fisher Email: fisher #64; Phone: 2 8158 Department: MAGIC/CS Comment: My Links...
Name: Nikolai Matni Email: matni #64; Company Name: Company URL: Country: Canada Comment: My Links...
KaronMacLean 10 Sep 2008 544 Course Planning Group Set GROUP JoannaMcGrenere, KelloggBooth, KaronMacLean, AnthonyWinstanley, HawkeyK Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE...
Name: Catherine Gamroth Login Name: cgamroth Email: cgamroth #64; Phone: Department: Comment: My Links...
Name: Aurora Phillips Email: aurorap #64; Company Name: UBC Company URL: Country: Canada Comment: My Links...
Name: Jeswin Jeyasurya Email: jeswinj #64; Company Name: Company URL: Country: Canada Comment: My Links...
Name: Egor Tsinko Login Name: etsinko Email: etsinko #64; Phone: Department: CPSC Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest...
Name: Joseph Hall Email: jph2108 #64; Company Name: Company URL: Country: USA Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest...
Name: Kuljeet Singh Login Name: kuljeets Email: kuljeets #64; Phone: 6043458697 Department: Computer Science Comment...
Name: Wayne Babinchuk Email: babinchuk #64; Company Name: Thompson Rivers University Company URL: Country: Canada...
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Name: Chrissie Kwan Email: chrissiekwan #64; Company Name: Company URL: Country: Canada Comment: My Links...
Visual Basic Tutorial 15 October 2005 The goal of this project is to get you started with Visual Basic as a prototyping tool. We do not expect you to become black...
Name: Bruno Silva Login Name: bnds Email: bnds #64; Phone: Department: CS Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest...
Name: Thomas Hazelton Login Name: twhazelt Email: twhazelt #64; Phone: Department: Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest...
Name: Gustavo Lacerda Login Name: gusl Email: gusl #64; Phone: Department: Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest...
Name: Lucas Rizoli Login Name: lrizoli Email: lrizoli #64; Phone: 778 230 4782 Department: CS Comment: http://www.soupface...
Name: Petcharat Viriyakattiyaporn Login Name: pviriya Email: pviriya #64; Phone: Department: Computer Science Comment...
DonaldActon 29 Jul 2008 This is the page for CPSC 260 stuff

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