Difference: YingYin (10 vs. 11)

Revision 112007-06-14 - TWikiGuest

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  • Commit--once you have modified a project, you can check it back in
  • Synchronise with repository--used for synchronising your project version with CVS
  • The screen will look like the one in screen shot→(see attachment team.gif)
  • Before making changes to the code, it is good to synchronise with the repository first.
  For sharing project, adding a new project to repository
  1. Create/Use existing project, and right click on the project name
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  $ cvs -d /ubc/cs/home/y/yingyin/GanttChart <command>
You can also change the environment variable CVSROOT to avoid typing -d <repository location>:
You can also change the environment variable CVSROOT to avoid typing -d <repository path>:
  • edit ~/csh_init/environment with a text editor
  • add the following line:
setenv CVSROOT <repository location>
setenv CVSROOT <repository path>
  • logout and log back in.
To remotely access the repository, specify a remote repository as opposed to a local one, which means using a longer repository path. You first name the access method, delimited on each side by colons, followed by the username and the server name (joined with an @ sign), another separator colon, and finally the path to the repository directory on the server.

CVS supports the ext method (which uses an external connection program, such as rsh or ssh)which is probably the most commonly used. So on the client machine:

$ setenv CVS_RSH ssh; export CVS_RSH

$ cvs -d :ext:jrandom@cascade.cs.ubc.ca:<repository path> <command>

The first line sets the CVS_RSH environment variable to ssh, which tells CVS to use the ssh program to connect. The second line can be any CVS command; you will be prompted for your password so CVS can log into the server.

The rest of the examples assumes that you've set CVSROOT to point to your repository, so they will not show the -d option. If you need to access many different repositories, you should not set CVSROOT and should just use -d <repository path> when you need to specify the repository.

 Some useful links on CVS
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