Difference: ProtoVbStaticClassHandout (1 vs. 7)

Revision 72008-08-28 - KaronMacLean

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="CS344.TutorialVisualBasicStaticPrototyping"
META TOPICPARENT name="CS344.TutVBStaticPrototyping"

Visual Basic Tutorial 15 October 2005

The goal of this project is to get you started with Visual Basic as a prototyping tool. We do not expect you to become black belts in one class!

Revision 62007-10-24 - SteveYohanan

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="CS344.ProtoVbStatic"
META TOPICPARENT name="CS344.TutorialVisualBasicStaticPrototyping"

Visual Basic Tutorial 15 October 2005

The goal of this project is to get you started with Visual Basic as a prototyping tool. We do not expect you to become black belts in one class!

Revision 52006-10-27 - GarthShoemaker

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="CS344.ProtoVbStatic"

Visual Basic Tutorial 15 October 2005

The goal of this project is to get you started with Visual Basic as a prototyping tool. We do not expect you to become black belts in one class!
Line: 18 to 18
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="stub for email link" date="1130255986" name="Tutorial1HandountforNET.zip" path="Tutorial1HandountforNET.zip" size="171450" user="duckys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="September 2006 - Converted for Visual Studio 2006" date="1157336935" name="tutorial1handout.zip" path="tutorial1handout.zip" size="55720" user="parker" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="The older projects didn't seemt o work, so I made a new one." date="1161983303" name="VB_Tutorial_Garth.zip" path="VB_Tutorial_Garth.zip" size="66517" user="garths" version="1.1"
META TOPICMOVED by="duckys" date="1130257145" from="CS344.ProtoVbStaticClassHandout" to="Main.ProtoVbStaticClassHandout"

Revision 42006-09-04 - KarenParker

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="CS344.ProtoVbStatic"

Visual Basic Tutorial 15 October 2005

The goal of this project is to get you started with Visual Basic as a prototyping tool. We do not expect you to become black belts in one class!
Line: 11 to 11

Useful things to know:

  • To make hotkeys, put an ampersand in front of the key you want to make hot. For example, if you want Control-L to be a shortcut for the menu option "Fromble", then when you name the Fromble menu item, type in "Fromb&le".
  • To make separators in a toolbar, do this: @@@
  • (something about menus)
  • (? did they have to drag something into the window in order to get started?)
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="stub for email link" date="1130255986" name="Tutorial1HandountforNET.zip" path="Tutorial1HandountforNET.zip" size="171450" user="duckys" version="1.1"

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="stub for email link" date="1130255986" name="Tutorial1HandountforNET.zip" path="Tutorial1HandountforNET.zip" size="171450" user="duckys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="September 2006 - Converted for Visual Studio 2006" date="1157336935" name="tutorial1handout.zip" path="tutorial1handout.zip" size="55720" user="parker" version="1.1"
META TOPICMOVED by="duckys" date="1130257145" from="CS344.ProtoVbStaticClassHandout" to="Main.ProtoVbStaticClassHandout"

Revision 32005-11-13 - DuckySherwood

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="CS344.ProtoVbStatic"

Visual Basic Tutorial 15 October 2005

The goal of this project is to get you started with Visual Basic as a prototyping tool. We do not expect you to become black belts in one class!
Line: 9 to 9
Useful things to know:
  • The controls that you need are at https://bugs.cs.ubc.ca/twiki/pub/Imager/Proto-vb-static/tutorial1handout.zip .
  • There a bunch of images included that you might want to use. They are located at @@@. Put them into a Collection at @@@, and then you will be able to use them in @@@.
  • To make hotkeys, put an ampersand in front of the key you want to make hot. For example, if you want Control-L to be a shortcut for the menu option "Fromble", then when you name the Fromble menu item, type in "Fromb&le".
  • To make separators in a toolbar, do this: @@@
  • (something about menus)
  • (? did they have to drag something into the window in order to get started?)
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="stub for email link" date="1130255986" name="Tutorial1HandountforNET.zip" path="Tutorial1HandountforNET.zip" size="171450" user="duckys" version="1.1"
META TOPICMOVED by="duckys" date="1130257145" from="CS344.ProtoVbStaticClassHandout" to="Main.ProtoVbStaticClassHandout"

Revision 22005-10-25 - DuckySherwood

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="ProtoVbStatic"
META TOPICPARENT name="CS344.ProtoVbStatic"

Visual Basic Tutorial 15 October 2005

The goal of this project is to get you started with Visual Basic as a prototyping tool. We do not expect you to become black belts in one class!
Line: 9 to 9
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="stub for email link" date="1130255986" name="Tutorial1HandountforNET.zip" path="Tutorial1HandountforNET.zip" size="171450" user="duckys" version="1.1"
META TOPICMOVED by="duckys" date="1130257145" from="CS344.ProtoVbStaticClassHandout" to="Main.ProtoVbStaticClassHandout"

Revision 12005-10-25 - DuckySherwood

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="ProtoVbStatic"

Visual Basic Tutorial 15 October 2005

The goal of this project is to get you started with Visual Basic as a prototyping tool. We do not expect you to become black belts in one class!

Your assignment is to:

  • Implement the GUI below in appearance, i.e. make something that looks like the picture.
  • When different "messages" are selected in the "list-of-messages" pane, the text in the "body" pane should change. These messages can be (and, in the interest of time should be) totally faked. We do not expect you to implement a full email client in two hours.

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